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My hours were more than doubled when my brother and I opened a second coffee shop, but my brother insisted that my studies remained my top priority. So he basically handed me days here because I don't have classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. That day, I'll make it work. JHope Ge is a coworker of mine, and ZiYi Ji is our cousin ,
Every Saturday my co worker was Jimin.

My brother Zhan Ge works at Bunny on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, as well as every Sunday, but we occasionally open our XZ coffee shop on Sunday evenings. first, it was a bit difficult for me because my brother was not there every time there was a schedule at the cafe, but with the help of my friend and cousin, I was able to do it too. I don't neglect the studies because I can study in the coffee shop if there aren't too many customers.

Every Friday, I only have two subjects at BNU to attend, so I went straight to the coffee shop to assist JHope Ge and ZiYi Ji.

"Take a rest first. I will call you upstairs if I have a lot of customers" said JHope ge ,when he saw me arrived.

"Okay, where was Ziyi Ji? I said,

"maybe at the library, he said again .

"Ah !Tae wait; you know, JK,

I frowned.

"Why did you say that?

"Jimin told me he was his classmate and friend now, and that he recognized you" Jhope ge,said.

I shrugged.

"I just met him when Jimin introduced him when he came here, and when Bunny Coffee opened,
they weren't invited, but they went because the owner of the stole was them.
and JK was a member of the Wang family."I denied.

"Ahh , is that so? Because Jimin told me, he even went to our building once. Ge said.

"Really!!maybe just getting used to it" , I said.

I went straight to my room upstairs and changed clothes. After that, I went to the dining room to eat. My brother left me food before he went to Bunny Cafe, and after eating I took a rest on the couch while watching TV.

After two hours, Jhope Ge called me,

"Maybe there's some customer arrived."

Now I'm serving some customers,

I noticed one guy alone on the other side of the table and asked him what his order was. He said only black coffee. It looked familiar to me.
Before 10 pm we got ready, cleaned, and prepared,for the closing of the store.

"ge, go home first. You will travel a little far here." I said to JHope ge.

"OK guys, you take care of it, and said goodbye.

OK ge take care too.

ZiYi Ji, who's living with us, was the one left. I closed the main door and I put a signage closed, and I saw a guy standing not far from our house.

I thought he was waiting for a commercial bus to ride on."

My brother always arrived before 1 am in the morning. After securing our store, I locked it and went upstairs to take a rest.

My brother Zhan Ge came to my door and knocked. On his way to Bunny Cafe, he said his goodbyes to me.
"Jimin, he claimed, was already in the cafeteria. It was 8 a.m. when I looked at the clock.

I told Zhan Ge to take care of himself.

"Okay, DiDi, I'll cook you breakfast, and ZiYi Ji will prepare your lunch. Bye"
This was said by my brother.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now