An Angry Lion Promised???

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After the Hyunsik funeral, Yibo stayed at his room, mourning.

His parents are worried to him ,he even eat ,

And when his parents knocked at his door,

he said his ok,and don't be worried ,he want to be alone .

for about two days Yibo is like this ,

Until he went out to his room. His parents gladly saw him.

He eats and smiled to his parents,

After eating, he said goodbye to the parent who was just going to see friends. but worried its parents.

"His mother said ,"are you sure you want to go out?"

Yibo smiled, "Don't worry ma, I just want to unwind outside with my friends since I haven't been back to class yet."

His parents looked at each other and said,

"Okay, son, be careful, especially while driving." "

I'm fine, dad," he said.

He called by phone Seungyoun and Wooseuk and said that they would meet in front of the university.
Surprised his fellow friends
when Yibo suddenly stepped on it, he must have been in mourning.

The three are seen in front of the BNU University.

"Where are we going and what are we going to do here? I know you're on leave from school," and Wooseuk and I will be entering next week "Seungyoun said to Yibo.

Yibo just nodded and then stated that the two had simply followed him.
Yibo headed to Xiao Zhan's coffee shop, paused for a while, recalling what had transpired there, tears streaming down his cheeks, his companion perplexed while they waited for Yibo.

Then Yibo parks his car followed by Seungyoun and Wooseok in a single vehicle.

Seungyoun and Wooseuk were amazed since this was their first time here. Seungyoun asked,
"How do you know this place?"

"It's just close to the university. What's up here? Wooseuk also found this coffee cozy, simple, and clean.

They have already reached with a customer here.

Then he sat down near the counter and told his friend to order whatever they wanted.

Friend grinned
Seungyoun and Wooseuk order vanilla and mocha coffee, as well as desserts;" how about you, Yibo?

Yibo ordered cappuccinos and rocky road cakes and gave his black card to his friend .

The barista made their order, and one of the waiters escorted them to Yibo's table.

Yibo smirked and grinned at the same time.
While the two sipped their coffee and ate cake, Yibo took a tiny package and put the unknown contents in his coffee.

Yibo's eyes widen
"What is this, it looks like ,
a cockroach!yeehhh, screams,

Then stands, disgusted by what he sees in his drink, his friend stands and checks their food, and he caught the attention of others, Yibo called the server,

What kind of coffee shop is this!!! "What are you going to poison us with?"he yelled.

"Take a photo Seungyoun and send it to me ",Yibo said .

"Sorry, sir, I'm not sure why there's stuff like that there," the waiter says.

"Called the owner"he said to the server.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now