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From the first day Zhan bike broken, Chuyue insisted to fetch him went to university and went home.

Zhan ,welcome his new friend to their house and introduced him to his parents .

Chuyue said ,wow I will enjoy went here everyday, Zhan
" I like the view and arrangements of your coffee shop ,very cozy and the designed " wow !Chuyue amazed when his inside the coffee shop.

Zhan ,asked Chuyue what his favorite flavor of coffee"

Chuyue said ,"really you want to treat me ,no zhan I'll pay business is business"

Hahaha ,ok if you pay ,I will not ride in your car anymore"

Chuyue pouts,ok give me vanilla flavor"

Zhan went at the counter and make coffee for Chuyue .

Chuyue always amazed ,
"How did you learned that? Zhan.

hehehe Chuyue since I was born I know how to make coffee.

Really!!! Chuyue exclaimed,

HaHaHa ,it was a joke ,how did I learned that ,maybe when I'm my mother belly I smell the aroma of coffee.

Chuyue scratched his back head,

I didn't get it at first ,hahaha.

Zhan gave him a vanilla coffee ,and cakes ,taste it and tell me ,Chuyue,zhan sit beside him.

Chuyue ,taste it,
ummm then sipped again the coffee
ummm !!!!
his tounge lick the coffee that left in his mouth, he teased zhan .

Chuyue ,tell me ,common!!!

Super!super! delicious ,and also the cake " he exclaimed.

Really ,I know .

From then Chuyue become regular costumer of their Coffee Shop,

Until they met Yubin and Jili

After school they always hang out at Zhan coffee shop .

When Zhan , embarrassed and threatened by Yibo ,They searched and gathered information regarding Yibo.

Yibo was the only child of the director of their school ,
Mr Wang Yizhou!

Zhan and his friend shocked while their searched Yibo in the internet at the library section.

Zhan,be careful ,warning by Chuyue.

I gathered an information ,his a spoiled brats and what he wants he get,when he asked something to his parents even good or bad , they gave them Jili said.

Really !!! in unison .

pssst ,we are in library.Zhan signaled in whispered.

But when eyes reached where new groupof student arrived ,
Zhan shocked when he saw it was Yibo and his friend.

Zhan,anxious and hide under the table he remember ,
What Yibo said to him.

"Don't ever cross The path of the two of us, and put Yourself in your place, and you will see what I can do"
Zhan friend confused,they look zhan ,if where his under table .

What happened ?why are you there ?Chuyue mumbled ,

Zhan gestured his hand at the other table ,Yi__Yibo.

Chuyue,Jili and Yubin shocked and they all turned back so that Yibo group don't noticed them .

But Yibo noticed them already .
That time Hyunsik is not around he still in his last subject.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now