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When they insist and force me to drink beer, I feel annoyed, so I drink it straight without lowering it until it runs out. I really feel like my blood is pumping because of the things that I don't want, especially an alcoholic drink. It's my third time drinking an alcoholic drink and the result is not good for me, but I have no choice because I know they won't stop bugging me.

I don't know how I got in the car. I just felt my whole body itch and had trouble breathing.

I opened my eyes, but I saw nothing but white, and someone came up to me in white clothes too.

"My God, am I in heaven?" I thought.

I smiled at him wide ;

"sir you are awake now,How do you feel? The man wearing a white robe said, "

I'll sit down quickly." Ah

sir, am I in heaven? I pouted.

He laughed,"his okay now"  he said,but not at me ,
I looked around, and that's when I noticed that we still had companions.

I saw they had horns.

Then I'm  scared. "Ah sir, where am I going to heaven or to the he,,, My eyes widened. 

It was as if someone had knocked me down. 

"Fool!!!you're in the hospital !!"You're  not in heaven, and you're  not in hell that you think , saying the man with horns ,but still handsome. 

I pout once more, then fall asleep.


 My friends forced me to give Zhan a beer in a can. I looked at him in motion to drink it too. He hesitantly grabbed it, and after opening it, he drank it straight with no lower down. 

I smiled, and my friend clapped their hands, as if celebrating the fact that they had given Xiao Zhan a drink.
He went to our car, but he seemed to be scratching his whole body, and I saw him holding his chest.

I quickly approached and saw he motioned his hand as if he was having a hard time breathing.
I made him sit down and I immediately started the car.

My friends were surprised. I said, "Follow me, we will take Xiao Zhan to the hospital."

we saw a hospital nearby.
My nervousness was too much, I saw how Xiao Zhan was chasing his breath.

"God, I said, what is this" I've done again" I mumbled.

I parked the car near the emergency room and immediately alerted the medical attendant, who immediately came to the rescue, and they immediately took him to the emergency room. 

My  friends have also arrived.

"What happened to Xiao Zhan"  said Seonyoun and Wooseuk?

"  I saw him scratching his body and putting his hand on his chest, so I approached him and there He motioned to me that he was having trouble breathing"
I said with concern, "

"We are dead to your mother, Yibo"When something bad happens to him again ! we will be responsible"Seungyoun nervously said .

" Don't tell them, okay!until we didn't know what Xiao Zhan condition.

They nodded. 

About 15 minutes , the doctor came out

and asked if we were aware that Xiao Zhan had an allergy to alcohol.

We said no. 

"He drank beer"  ,Seonyoun said,

"Umm, probably that's where it triggered." 
"How  many  beer" the doctor question us  again.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now