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I don't know myself why I agreed to Yibo agreement,
and why in that way, and
what I'm saving for the business or the fulfillment of her late boyfriend's wish.I question myself .

My parents,I  told not to worry about me and give me their permission,
but I did not escape the smell Of my two friends in particular Chuyue, was first opposed to such a deal, but I assured them that I had accepted.

Jin was furious, and this was the first time I've seen him become enraged.
The person I know, Jin Ge, who is cheerful and child minded, suddenly shifts like a wild sheep,whewww! I pouts .

"Revoke your agreement;
I know someone in the government who can assist you; and it is defamation to you that Yibo in  your business!! Jin ge yelled a little bit.

"It's not easy Jin ge, so don't be furious at me," I pouts.

"I'm  not angry with you"

Yibo is devil! if why you are in this situation"Jin ge exclaimed.

"First , he blames you for his boyfriend's death, and second, he did shamelessness in your business",
"I  understand that slandered because what really happens in a business is to ruin"
" so I've memorized such activities because how many times have we also encountered such situations?Jin ge said.

"It's not just that, I want it to happen"I'm thinking that if we get closer and he truly realizes that I have no desire to end their  relationship to Hyunsik, maybe his hatred for me will disappear, and he will no longer bother me"I explain  it to Jin ge .

Jin ge said ,"I  don't know what to do to you ,ok it's up to you ,but I'm here always for you ".Jin ge  worried.

Yibo was angry with me for knowing that my two friends knew about our agreement and they even helped me.

I explained to Yibo that it's not in our agreement, so I have the right to tell my friend. 

But Yibo yelled,
"When it comes to Chuyue, who fetches you, going in and going out inside the mansion area is not allowed."
"  If he likes to fetch you only at the gate!!!right !!you hear that clear!!

So I have no choice but to walk about 500 meters. Whew!! that's torture, but I can't do anything.
"Be patient, Xiao Zhan"I  said to myself.

When the class closes, he still sends me to the mansion. I cook for him what he wants to eat and clean his car and big bike. Once, their big swimming pool. It's good that there are kind servants there who can also help me.

 One time, I was cleaning his big motor bike.

While cleaning his big motor bike, I mumbled. I admit it's like I'm a fool talking to his bike when I was surprised that someone spoke from behind me.

I was surprised when he took the two helmets and  one put them on me. I was nervous and refused, but he took it and forced  to put them on me .

Then he ordered me to ride his motorcycle. I still refused. I saw he was blushing and angry. He rode on to his big bike and ran out to me.
I closed my eyes, ahhh!!I screams ,
but nothing happened,I opened my eyes slowly, he was next to me and laughed
He motion me to got up to his big motor bike again with staring fierce ,so I was confused and got up quickly behind him.

I saw him smirking. I said, "Where do I hold it?"
He said anywhere I can hold that I know I won't fall. Just don't let me lean on him or hold him.

He rode  the  big motorbike  outside of the mansion.
I was very nervous because it was the first time I rode a motorcycle that was big.
My bicycle, which was slow, I was still injured,I thoughts,
and I was extremely nervous. It seemed like it was speeding up. I felt like I could let go, so I said "stop." I just called, and I felt like my intestines were rumbling. Until I felt like I was having trouble breathing. I don't know, maybe out of fear, I saw Him look at me, but my vision was blurred and I said I'm having trouble breathing. I even felt touched,He took me until I remembered nothing.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now