The Sad Past...

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Next month Yibo and Hyunsik celebrate their first anniversary , being in a relationship, and also closing of class this year .

And this passed days,they are concentrated to their study , even Yibo a spoiled brat , his study hard for his parent as his gratefulness.
Hyunsik also study hard for Yibo and his parents too although the it not compared to Yibo .
Yibo born genius and smart.

After Yibo father talk to him ,he promised not to give any thing or person that Yibo will hurt especially to those who will affect their relationship.

And Yibo , adjusted himself for being possessive , and become a better boyfriend to Hyunsik.

Yibo thought,
next month is our first year anniversary , I want to surprised him , they were celebrate their anniversary somewhere,

And that was his  father villa inside exclusive resort , the place is so romantic and they're done their first romantic intimate .
His mischievous mind ,then smiled.

Yibo phone ring and he  answered it with excitement on his faced,
It was coming from his boyfriend.

" oh babe why are you calling I'm here at library now ".

Hyunsik said,
"babe  I have a special project today I don't know what time it will end, go home first, and I'll just call you when I get home"

"Can't  I wait for my boyfriend. or pick you up later when you go home"Yibo in softly voice,he teased his boyfriend.

"babe  I know you're awake this passed day, and tired just after your  thesis"

"I  didn't expect the last project that our professor prepared to us ,as our closing project."

"And what is the project"Yibo said .

"I even know yet"Don't worry ,
"I  call you when I'm home ok, my mom driver ,bring my car here after, he will go home to his house".
"ok  take care  babe and call me when you are home, no strolled with your friend today , take rest early, and drive safe I  love you!"Hyunsik remind him rapidly.

"ummm  ok babe I have no choice, its my babe me babe when you are done ok"
Yibo went alone , when he reached his house ,he immediately call his boyfriend to notify ,now his home.

" Take rest early , don't play games , I'll message you when I'm done . Bye love you. Hyunsik said

The professor gave a project to Hyunsik.
His project  said ,to teached some student from first and 2nd year student of the same course ,he need to video what his doing and passed to his professor two weeks before closing of school this year.

When he entered the room ,some student from different year are there .

And his Professor introduced him .

"Hi classed !,Mr.Park Hyunsik from the 3rd year student of business marketing too ,This is  one of his project before school year end ,his one of the lecturer too."the Professor said.

Before that all student from Hyunsik section had a different project,his Professor gave them toss up what project assigned each .and  ten student including Hyunsik get this kind of project.

Since Hyunsik class  was in a morning session. He will teach is an evening student.

The Professor said" Please support your senior,and respect like you respect your Professor."

'Mr.Park your turned."

The professor arrange the video provide by him so he can captured all to be instructed by those already assigned to this project.

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