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I'm grateful that Mr. Wang allowed me to continue my studies despite his son Yibo's see in desire to end his schoolarship.

"The spoilt brats," Thanks god your so kind to me !
Mr. Wang is not like his son Yibo,
"who inherited that kind of attitude " Zhan thoughts.

Chuyue cried like a child when he realized my class schedule was now on the night shift,
but he promised me he would make it up to me, and next year he followed my schedule.

Chuyue's shoulder was tapped by Zhan
"Stop sobbing, it appears like you're acting like a child, be a man,"
it's like that  you cried"

"Zhan, we're best friends, and he's been a huge help to me, especially with my studies, homework, and project"

"Because  of that, zhan spank of Chuyue's forehead, you're my friend!
Zhan was ecstatic.

'Zhan!' You know I'm joking.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Zhan , really I like you" Chuyue mumbled,

Zhan frowned.he heard it

Chuyue; noticed it .

ahhh!!! I like you because you're really good to me, and you're the first person I met here, lovable, cute, attractive,  beautiful ,genius, smart, talkative, fierce at times, diligent, almost perfect!!! Chuyue exclaimed rapidly.

Zhan spank Chuyue's forehead once more;

I'm not beautiful ok?

Chuyue rubbed his temples and scratched his brow.
"I'm telling the truth now what I get."

But I'm sad because I can't be with you anymore.and hugged back Chuyue,

Chuyue sniff again.

"Don't worry;
I used to spend my weekends at your place or at a coffee shop.then winked at Zhan.

I met a new friend's name is Seokjin Kim, and he is a transfer student from Korea.

His father is a businessman from Korea, and his mother died during the birth of their second child.

His father traveled to China, where he met his second wife. Jin's stepmother.

Their businesses merged because his stepmother owned a restaurant. Jin has come to leave with his father and stepmother for this reason.

I'll call him Jin Ge because he's older than me, he's in his second year of college, his  in  nightshift like me, and a schoolar student too.

I thought he was a pretty funny guy,at his age ,two years older than me he acted like a child.
He is always with me, especially during our break and sometimes ;
He waits for me and accompany me  to my  house. When I go home, especially when my bike is broken ,he likes also drinking coffee ,a vanilla flavor and cakes ,he loves sweet.

He works in business marketing as well, and he stated that he prefers the night shift because he is assisting his parents with their restaurant. He enjoys cooking and has invited me to dine at their restaurant whenever I have the opportunity.

Before our class year end ,
Our professor told , that starting tomorrow, students from the third year college would have a special project, and that he would join the class with a group of students from the second year college of business marketing, and that as part of their task to pass their third year in business marketing, he would teach them how to act like a
professional teacher.

Students in the third year began their project at the start of class,
Introduced themselves, and got to know one another.
The last student from third year entered, and their lecturer, as is customary, presented the student.

The Black Bunny And The Angry  Lion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now