Chapter 1: First stare

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I arrive out of the Hogwarts. I walk inside and some students stare at me. I go at Albus Dumbledore office and knock the door.

"You may in".

I walk inside and look around. I see an old man staring out of his window.

"Hello Mrs. Diggory".

"Hello Mr. Dumbledore".

He turns around and sits to his chair.

"Take a seat".

I softly nod/smile and sit down. We talk for a while till we stand up and walk at the Great Hall. I look around. I see 4 huge and really long tables with a lot of students. My eyes fell to 2 guys that stare at me. I walk with Dumbledore and then he stops me.

"Silence" he yells.

All stop talking and turn to face him. I see Cedric and he smiles at me and nods. I wanted so much to go at Hufflepuff but I'll probably not. I'm not so innocent. I killed my parents. Even if my brother forgave me and still loves me, I don't think that I can't forget their screams when they were begging me to stop the spell.

"Mrs. Diggory please sit for the hat to decide in which house are you in".

I nod and sit at the chair. I hear some whispers.

"Probably a Hufflepuff like her brother".


McGonagall places the hat to my head.

"Mhm. Yn. I was waiting for you a long time".

It makes me nervous. Cedric sees me and smiles calmly. I softly nod.

"You are not like your brother. Suspicious. Actually nothing like him".

Cedric looks at me confused and knows that I'll go to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

"Hard. Hard enough to decide. Dark past, brave, smart enough. I know exactly what is for you. SLYTHERIN".

Cedric looks at me and I look back at him. The Slytherin table cheers for me and McGonagall takes the hat away from me. I go at the table and remember what my brother told me. Away from the Riddles and Malfoy. I don't know why but he hates them. I sit next to a boy. The only empty seat.

Dumbledore gave the right to start eating but I wasn't really hungry. I look over the Hufflepuff table and Cedric was looking at me. He does me a sign to meet him out of the Great Hall after all are done. I nod.

All start leaving and Cedric is waiting out of the Great Hall for me. I get out and he pulls me a bit away.


"It can you being a Slytherin".

"You know the reason".

"Don't you understand? All of our family members were Hufflepuff's".

"I killed them Cedric".

"I killed someone either but I'm a Hufflepuff".

"Then something is not right with me".

"I'll find out".

We see 2 boys walking out of the Great Hall. They stare at me and walk away. I try to walk behind them but Cedric grabs my arm.

"What are you doing?".

"They are staring at me the whole time".

"Don't you dare talk to them with an attitude".


"They are the Riddle brothers. Tom and Mattheo Riddle".

"You told me about them".

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