Chapter 26: Warning

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I feel like someone's hand is up to me. I look next to me and see Mattheo. I see Tom that just wake up. He softly laugh and I raise my middle finger at him. He smiles and goes in the bathroom. I kiss Mattheo on cheek and he smiles.

"Good morning little one".

"God. This morning voice. Horny mf. I fucking love you" I think. "Good morning baby".

"Horny mf?".

"Did you... "



He laughs and Tom gets out of the bathroom.

"Why are you here anyway?" Tom asks.

"I'm the new prefect".


"Yeah. They bringed a bed for me the midnight".

"You are in Yn's bed" Tom says.

"Yes. I'm aware of that".


"I had to".

"Had to?" I ask.

"Yeah. You were shaken".

Tom turns his stare at me. Then I remembered the nightmare that I had. I get up and go the bathroom.

"Yn?" Mattheo calls for me to come back but I slam the door and lock it.

They look each other and try to come in but I don't let them. They try to unlock the door with spells but those can't broke mine.

"Yn can you unlock the door?" Mattheo says.

"Go away guys. I want to get ready".

"Yn open" Tom says.

"I said go away. Let me change".

After a while I get out and see them waiting for me touching at the wall. They hear me and turn out. They see me and stare at me. I grab my notebook, book and wand.

"Let's go?" I ask.

"Yn what happened before?".


"Yn answer us".

"We are worried about you".

"I said nothing and now we better get going. You have with McGonagall and I have lesson with Snape. Also, I don't want another detention with Snape. Is it enough to get going?".

They stare at me and I scoff. I walk outside and they walk behind me. I get in class and they look at me. They walk to their class and I sit down. I was late. Ugh.

"Ms. Parker. Late again".

"I'm sorry professor. Roommates problems".

"Is there any problem with the new prefect?".

"No professor. Ms. Riddle has bring any trouble".

"Good. Come find me after class. Sit down".

"Do I have detention?".

"Come find me after class Parker".

I scoff and he starts teaching. I got bored but I have to show the good side of myself. The class dismissed and I start packing my stuff. When all are gone I try to leave but then I heard this cold, rude voice of Snape.

"Ms. Parker stay a bit".

"Yes professor".

I go back down and sit to my desk again. He comes in front of my desk and places his hands to my desk. He is angry and that's not good for me. I sigh.

"I won't late again. I promise. I just-"

"How many times did you late to my class Parker?".

"This month?".

"The last week".

"Uhh ...

"I'm listening".

"Every day".

"If you continue like that I have to say that you are no longer a prefect".


"All the professors are talking about you. Something has change to you".

"Nothing changed".

"From the night that the boys r-"

"Nothing had change and nothing is gonna change. I was just late a few times. It won't happen again".

"I want to hope so".

"Do I have detention, professor Snape?".


"Thank you".

"You better stay here. The next class is with me again".

"Yes professor".

"And you better study a bit. I don't want failures to my class".

"I know".


He tries to walk away. "What will we learn today, professor?".

"You once asked me about it".

He gets out and I look confused. Then I remembered. The Horcrux. Great. I know about that. I open my book and study a bit about it.

A.N.: A small chapter but a nice one. I think so. Enjoy!

Words: 660

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