Chapter 10: Brother

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Well guys this chapter will be more like "know each other" stuff. Memories from the past will come back and some other stuff like that.


I open the book and see from the first ever page my name and last name. I did a spell to my mind and understand that Kai is not lying to me.

I read:

Yn Parker. Born in 997 *imagine that Kai wasn't born in 1972 and was born in 992*. A Hybrid. The first of her kind. A Vampire-witch with many prospects. She has murdered her family with the help of her older brother Kai Parker. She has also murdered 2 other families. The Salvatore family and her fake family that took her after that Salvatore's erased her memory. She has been missing since 1000. Before that she was sent to prison world because of her father. A few years later, 7 at the number, her big brother, Kai Parker, got sent to prison world as well. They escaped and after that Yn Parker got missing.

I stopped reading and closed the book.

"You ok?" Kai asked me.

"Yeah. I'm ... Fine".

"You can talk to me".

"Just ... Some memories coming back to my mind and ... It's not the best memories".

"About family? Friends? Ex? Boyfriend?".

"First, I don't have a boyfriend. Second, I wouldn't think of my ex ever again to my life. Third. Friends? Really? I don't have friends. Fourth. Family? I hate every single family that I was in. To my fake family, at the Salvatore's family that treated me like nothing, they lied to me, our family that our father send me at the prison world. I don't think so".

"Then memories from what?".

"From this wedding that we were and destroyed".

"What about it?".

"I want to remember how I did it".

"I can show you".

"Can you bring back all of my memories?".

"I could try to".


"I said I'll try. I don't know if I can to. I'll try to".

"Yeah. I'm not stupid. I got it".

Kai looks at me and after in front again. I roll my eyes and look out of the window. After a few minutes we arrive to his house. We get inside and I see blood at the wall. Kai sees me.

"Your room is upstairs by the way".

I turn and look at him.

"What is it?".


"Yeah. Why is it here?".

"Because if I didn't kill him I would be dead now".

"I didn't say anything. I didn't ask why did you kill him, I asked why is the blood here".

He rolls his eyes. "Follow me".

He goes me upstairs and goes me to my room. I look around and he leaves my suitcase at the floor.

"That's your room. Big enough. Right?".

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