Chapter 18: First day back to Hogwarts

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All are coming back to Hogwarts in a few hours. Professor Snape told you to clean the whole school.

"Miss Parker clean the whole school before everybody is back".

"Yes professor. I'll be done in a bit".


The classes will start tomorrow.


I clean the whole school with just a spell. I'm proud of myself. I learned a lot of new spells and that's amazing. I hear a knock on my door and I open it. I see Tom.

"Tom. Omg".

I hug him and he pulls me closer to him hugging me tight. I can sense his anger.

"Tom?" I pull away and see his dark eyes. "Why are you angry?".

"We have to talk".

I nod and open the door more. He walks inside and with a spell unpack his suitcase and put everything to their place. I look at him and he turns around staring at me. I can say that I'm scared of him at the moment.


He takes a step closer to me and I take some steps backwards. I didn't notice it but he was pining me against the wall. I gasp when my back touched the cold wall. He comes really close to me. Before I can turn and walk away he places his hands in either side of my head staring down at me. I can't look at him. He will notice my fear.

He places his hand to my chin and lifts it slowly. He forces me to look at him. I take a deep breath and he looks angry.


"I send you owls" I swallow hardly. "Where were you?".

"Here. I didn't go back home".

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Parker?" I shake my head scared. "Words, Parked, words".

"N-No. I wouldn't lie to you. I promise you. I stayed the whole pause of school here. You can ask professor Snape if you want to. He can tell you".

He stares down at me and I shut my mouth. I swallow hardly and he nods.

"Very well".

He pulls away and I give him a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry that I didn't send you an owl to tell you that I won't go back to Mystic Falls for the pause. I ... I forgot it. I'm sorry and please don't be angry that I forgot to send an owl to you".

"Why would I? You are saying the truth".

"I thought-"

"Whatever you thought and keep thinking Parker is not right. I'm not angry with someone that says the truth and isn't scared to say the truth. On the other hand I'm angry with those who lie to me and never admit their mistakes" he stares at me. "Do you, Parker?".

"Do I ... Do I what?".

"Do you lie to me?".

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