Chapter 16: The big fight and after that

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I see Tom and Snape trying to distract Voldemort. He uses a spell and from Snape back. I walk in front of all of them and they stare at me. Voldemort stares as well.

"You little bastard. What are you doing here?" he asks.

"And imagine that I liked your company. I don't you to die so just go away".

He laughs. "You can't kill me. You are really weak".

"Then let's start".

I look at Snape and nods. Tom looks confused like all of them. You start casting spells without your wand. Voldemort tries to fight back.


We both say. A green light leave his wand and a red one mine. He is a bit stronger. I admit it but I prefer to die right now and all the other stay alive. Mattheo sees me and I look at him with the corner of my eye. He tries to run near me but I made a "wall" between us.

"YN NO".

"Stay out of it".

"You will die".

"Then let me die".

All look shocked of the words that let my mouth. I them see Kai. He's dead. How is this possible? Then I remembered. When I use the Avada Kedavra spell I can see the people that have died.

"You can do this".

"I can't" I whisper.

"Believe in yourself and do it. End him, Yn".

"I can't Kai. I can't win him" I feel even more powerless.


I look at him and nod. I close my eyes and when I open them the only that I could see was red. I used my whole power and I'm near. I'm near to win this battle.

"Use your whole power. Don't stop. Even if you die all will be proud of you".

"I won't die. Not today. Let's lose one of my sides".

"You will still a witch. Not a vampire".

"I know. That's what I'm gonna do".

"Go for it princess".

Then he disappears. I use my whole power and Voldemort fell back. I hit him with the spell and all gasp. Voldemort is finally dead. I stop the "wall" between me and the others. I softly smile and breath heavily. All stare shocked for a bit but then they cheer for me. I start feeling awful. I fell to my knees and faint. Tom, Mattheo and Snape run to me.

"Get away from her".

Snape uses a spell to heal my cuts and all these. He healed everything. After a while I start to open my eyes slowly. I look around and see everyone around me.

"What happened?".

The boys softly laugh and Snape FOR FIRST TIME TO HIS FRICKING LIFE smiles.

"You did it, Parker" Snape says.

I softly smile and stand up. Tom helps me and I look over where Voldemort's body is.

"You lost your vampire side" Mattheo says.

"Someone advised me pretty good and warned me about it".

"Then why did you do that?".

"Because this person was Kai and from the time that I had the chance to kill this bastard and help the other I wanted to help. Especially after the whole harm that I bringed".

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