Stuff about what will happen later on

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-Everybody are coming today back to Hogwarts

- Yn has learn everything that all will learn at their 5th year of Hogwarts between the whole pause that all had

- Tom and Yn fell in love

- Tom, Mattheo and Draco are overprotective over Yn

- Hermione hates Yn

- Yn hates everybody around her except Tom, Mattheo and Draco

- Snape helps Yn a lot but he hates her either

- Yn and Tom are the heads of the Slytherin house

- All are scared of Yn because of her powers (the students)

- Yn and Tom work perfectly together

- A lot of fights

- Punishments

- Smut

- Abuse

- Knives

- Blood

- Pain and pleasure

- Detentions

- Mistakes

- Promises

- Lies

- Jealousy

- Wrong words

- Wrong moves

- Smoking

- There won't be any death (confusing for my story 😫)

- Crucio spell once

- Protection towards Yn

- New friends maybe

- Mattheo and Yn fell in love

- Tom is just a familiar

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