Chapter 11: Back to Hogwarts

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The next morning I wake up from a knock to my door.

"Come in".

Kai walks inside.

"Get up Yn".


"Get your asses up and get ready to go back to Hogwarts".

"Must I?".




"Why don't you go there for me?".

"That's the fun. I'll come either".

I sit up and look at him confused. "What?".

"Yeah. Actually someone called Dumbledore send a letter for you which was saying that I can come with you. He doesn't know my real age. He doesn't know your real age so I'm coming with you".

"Wait. I must have lost a part of the story. How did Dumbledore find out that I'm not a Salvatore and that I'm a Parker".

"I don't know".

"How did he know where we are l- forget it. I never asked".

"Good. Now get up and change. We have to go".

"Have you a wand Mr. Know everything?".



"Yes. I got one".

"Oh. That's good".

"Now get up. I won't say that again".

"Fine. Fine".

Kai leaves the room and I get up. I go the bathroom and do a shower and after brush my teeth. Then I change into a black short skirt and a crop top. I wear my Slytherin robe and walk downstairs. Kai sees me and softly smiles.

"What are you smiling at?".

"Just I adore you".

I smile at him. "Let's go Kai".

We walk outside and go at the station. We get in the train and sit together in a cabin.

"So how is the whole situation in Hogwarts?".

"Pretty good. Actually it is in which house you been sorted. Slytherin is the best in my opinion. They are the worst. They do anything they feel that it's right. The other houses are more calm and try their best to act innocent and good at the professors. Slytherins are the smart and hot ones"

"Hot. Huh?".

"Yeah. Pretty hot".

I see Mattheo, Tom and Draco out of the cabin. Tom steps in.

"Hello darling".

I softly smile and then he sees Kai *I am sitting next to Kai*. Tom and Mattheo sit across us. Draco sits next to Kai. Tom and Mattheo are staring at Kai with a death stair. Kai goes inside my head.

"Why are they staring?".

"Do you remember when I told you about 2 boys that I hook up with?".


"They are those boys. They are the dark lord's son's. Tom is the prefect of our house. Mattheo is my roommate. They are just jealous at the moment".

"Jealous? For you?".

I turn and give him a death stair. Kai softly smirks but hide it with a cough.

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