Chapter 9: Christmas holidays

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Hello people that still reading this chaos. I know it's not a good book but I want to hope that it will get better soon.
It will have a few amazing moments and a few awful moments.


The next morning I wake up really early. It's Saturday and I have to pack my stuff as fast as I can. The train is leaving at 9 o'clock and it's nearly 7. I have to be quick.

I start packing. When I finished it was nearly 8 o'clock. I change into a black skirt and a shirt. I have to wake up Mattheo. Good luck to myself.



Omg. This morning voice of him is so hot. Omg omg.

"Y-You have to wake up".


"We have to get breakfast and leave".


"Thanks. I'll be at the Great Hall".



"Wait for me".

"Fine. Get up and change".

"Yes mom" sarcastically.

I softly laughs and he changes. Then we go at the Great Hall together. He tried the whole time to ask me what Dumbledore wanted from me but I didn't answer him. We see Tom and sit with him.

"Good morning Tom".

"Good morning princess. How do you feel?".

"A lot better".

"That's good".

We all start eating.

"So Yn? What happened yesterday?".

I look at him mad and sigh.


"C'mon. We won't say anything. You know that".

"Nothing happened. Ok?".

"C'mon Yn".

"Just tell us".

"It's nearly 9 o'clock. We have to go".

We go at the train and all these stuff.

I'm bored to write what happened at the train. Well. Mattheo and Tom were asking the whole time what happened yesterday but I wasn't answering.

We arrive a few hours later at the station. We got out and I look around. I feel like somebody's watching me.

"So Yn? Where will you go?".

"To my friend".


"Yes. I have to go. I'll see in a few weeks guys".

"See you".

"Bye princess".

I softly smile and walk away. I don't like lying to them but I have to. I arrive at the forest a few minutes later. I didn't even understand when I arrived so fast but anyway. I sit down bored. I wait for a bit till a car stops in front of me. I look up at it and see Damon. He gets out of the car and walks near me. I stand up and look at him.

"Hi Yn".


"Shall we go?".


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