Reminder who are the characters...

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Tom Marvolo Riddle
Status: Pureblood
17; Slytherin
Hobbies: spells, potions, fighting, murder, torture
Personality: caring, bitchy, sarcastic, friendly, mean, respectful
Family: Voldemort Riddle, Mattheo Riddle

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle
Status: Pureblood, Death Eater
17; Slytherin
Hobbies: reading, torture, murder, spells, fighting
Personality: cold-hearted, incapable of love, toxic, clingy, selfish, respectful, rude
Family: Voldemort Riddle, Tom Riddle

Yn Emma Parker
Status: Pureblood, Vampire-Witch (Hybrid), Extant
1024 (17 for the others); Slytherin
Hobbies: reading, spells, fighting, murder, torture, potions
Personality: caring, bitchy, sarcastic, friendly, mean, respectful
Family: Kai Parker

Malachai Kai Parker
Status: Pureblood, Vampire-Witch (Hybrid), Extant
1029 (17 for the others); Slytherin
Hobbies: eating, murder, torture, fighting
Personality: sarcastic, caring, toxic, mean, bitchy, cold-hearted, rude, selfish, respectful
Family: Yn Parker

Severus Snape
Status: Half-blood
31; Head of Slytherin House
Hobbies: Defence Against the Dark Arts professor
Personality: rude, cold-hearted, mean, selfish, caring, respectful, bitchy
Family: ~

Cedric Diggory
Status: Pure-blood (possibly) or Half-blood
17; Hufflepuff
Hobbies: Quidditch Captain, Seeker, Prefect, Triwizard Champion
Personality: caring, friendly, respectful, lovely
Family: ~
Soon dead

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Status: Half-blood
115; Gryffindor
Hobbies:Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Personality: caring, friendly, respectful, hated by Yn, Tom and Mattheo
Family: ~
Soon dead

And generally all of the Harry Potter characters. I'll not put them all of them in. Just I wanted to say who will die and who won't.

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now