Chapter 29: The night shift and the party

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For months I ignore Tom, Mattheo, Draco and everybody around me. They made a huge mistake by fooling me. They are angry with me and I can sense it. I'm scared about what is gonna happen if they decide to do something. We haven't talk since we argued.

Only for our shifts. I'm at the night shift with both of them. Unfortunately. They are always together and I'm alone but that's ok with me because I don't fucking care anymore. I don't care if they hurt me or yell at me or hit me or something anyway. I don't care. I want to get hurt. I want to die.

This one WHOLE month I have got bullied, forced by some boys to some sexual actions that I wasn't comfortable and even more. All hate on me for reasons that I don't know but like I said I don't care.

I'm not gonna care for anyone again. I got hurt so many times. I've changed a lot since I argued with the boys. I'm someone that I hoped never become.

I'm a perfect student. The best of all the classes. The professors are proud of me. The students are scared of me. That brings me joy. I like seeing everybody around me scared of me.

I guess that's me. I'm like my brother. A sociopath and I like that. I prefer to being a rude, cold-hearted, mean person than being someone that everybody can do anything they want to me.

Tonight at 10 o'clock (the night of course) a party will take place. The Slytherin house is organizing it. The professors don't know anything but if they do they wouldn't say anything. I know that they wouldn't.

I'm to my dorm and pick from the wardrobe a really tight, black, short dress. I wear it and look at me at the mirror. I have problem with my body. A lot of students had fun with me about my body and I can't forget those harsh words against me.

I change and wear my daily black short skirt and a hoodie. The boys walk in the dorm and stare at me. Today was one of the worst days of my life so I haven't the courage talk with them at the moment.

But like it's obvious they want to piss me off again and make me yell. I don't want to. I want to feel alright again. Actually I want to feel something except fear and disgust. I want to feel love, sadness and nerves. Something that I forgot how it feels like.

The boys stare at me for a bit while I'm doing my makeup. I actually wouldn't go at the party. I would go for my shift. I'll check if any professor is gonna come around to warn the others.

The boys don't know that. The feeling of anger and sadness appear to their faces when they saw me. I put my mascara and turn around. We stay in silence for a few seconds till I go to my desk and recognize a few of my stuff till I heard their voices.

"How much more?" Tom says. I didn't turn around but answered.

"What do you mean?".

"How much more are you gonna ignore us?" Mattheo adds.

"As much as I want" I don't dare to turn around. I know that if I turn around I'm gonna say words that I don't want to.

"Don't you feel anything for us anymore?" Tom says.

"No. I hate you" I answer.

"Turn around" Tom says again.


"I said turn around".

"Nope. I have to-"


Shit. He's angry. I close my eyes and think positive. I open them again and turn around.

"Say it again".

"I hate you".


"I ... " my voice was caught in my throat at the sudden action.

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