Chapter 7: Excuse me?

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The next morning I wake up from Mattheo shaking me. I drop a pillow at him. I can feel his anger.


"Leave me alone".

"We have Charms".

"I don't care".

"Professor send me to go you there".

"Mattheo leave".

"Yn get up, change and let's go at the class".

"Ugh. Fine".

I stand up and go at the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into a short skirt and a crop top. I wear my robe up from my clothes and walk outside. We start for the class until Dumbledore stops us.

"Mrs. Diggory".

"Uhh yes p-

"Follow me please to my office".

I look at Mattheo confused and after back to Dumbledore.

"It's important".

"Alright. Uhh ... Mattheo can you tell professor that something happened?".

"I got this".


Mattheo walks at the class and Dumbledore goes me to his office.

"Take a seat Diggory".

I nod and sit down. I'm confused. He never does something like that. We are quiet for a long time till we heard a knock at the door.

"You may in".

2 boys walk inside. They look older than me. That's obvious. I think they are brothers. The one will be probably 18 or 19 years old. The other 20? I don't. I think he may be.

"Hello boys".


"Well hello".

I'm still confused af. I don't know what is going on. Why am I here? Who are those boys? A lot of questions are running through my mind but then Dumbledore snapped me out.

"Yn they are Damon and Stefan Salvatore".

I look at them and we look each other awkwardly. They take a seat next to me.

"Boys, she is Yn. Yn Salvatore".

I look shocked as they do.

"What?" I finally made up a word to come out of my mouth. "Who am I?".

"Your last name is Salvatore".

I still try to understand what just happened.

"How is this possible?" Damon asked.

"Don't you remember? When your father left her at the street a family found her".

"That's not right professor Dumbledore" I say.

"Excuse me?".

"You don't have to lie. I know everything about it. Actually everything except that I had 2 brothers".

"How do you know?".


Damon softly laugh but hide it with a cough. Stefan rolls his eyes.

"Just say that this person tried to killed me".

"When did this happen Yn?".

"Actually, the correct question is, how did you find out that they are my brothers, how do you know that my last name isn't Diggory and since when do you know that? Professor".

"I think you should calm down Yn".

I roll my eyes and sit completely back at the chair. Damon softly smiles.

"Can you please tell me when did he try to kill you?".

"Weeks ago. When I first came here" of course I lied.

Damon and Stefan turn and look at me. Do they know that I lied? They didn't turn to look at me since we got in here. Do they actually can hear when I'm lying?

"You sure?" Stefan asks.

"Yes. Why?".

"Maybe you forgot something. Maybe the day or when did this actually happened. It could happen a few days ago" I shallow hardly and look at him. "But maybe you are right. You maybe remember correctly or am I wrong at this?" I just look at him. "Yn?".


"Did this actually happen weeks ago or did this happen a few days ago?".

"It ... It happened a few ... Weeks ago".

He tilts and I try to stay as calm as possible. He looks at Damon and they nod. I look confused.

"So Yn. Would you like to spend a bit time with your brothers? The holidays start in 2 days. You could leave from today if you want to".

I stare at the boys and they aren't looking at me. An owl comes in. Dumbledore takes a note and looks at me.

"You will go with them at the same day that everyone will go back to their families. In 2 days".

"Wait what? You can't force me to".

"Actually this note here says that your father said that the boys will take care of you when he dies and he did. So they will decide for you for now".

"What? No. They don't even know me. How will they decide for me?".

Dumbledore gives me a look and I sigh. I'm filled with anger. I don't want to say anything. Whatever I will say will sound wrong.

"We will like to have you back, Yn" Damon says but doesn't look at me. I turn and look at him. "After 16 years. If you don't like us or something you are living".

I stare at him and he turns to look at me. We stare to each.

"What do you say?".

"Uhh ... Fine" I sigh. "I'll come".


Damon looks back in front and Dumbledore looks at me.

"Yn you can go to your class now".

I look over the boys and I stand up. I walk away without any other word. I walk at my class. Shit. I forgot I had it with Snape.

"Diggory. You are late".

"I'm sorry professor".

"Where were you?".

"At professor Dumbledore's office".

"Fine. Take a seat next to Riddles. You 3 will work together".

I look over them and sigh. The only seat was between them. Why between? I sit down and they turn to look at me.


"What did Dumbledore want with you?".

"Nothing important".

"You sure?".


They know that I'm lying but I don't care. I pay attention at the lesson. I take notes, try to get my whole attention at Snape but nothing. I'm thinking about what I just heard. Yn Salvatore. I have 2 older brothers. Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Nice. Brothers. Again.

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