Chapter 25: 7 minutes in hell

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Inappropriate Mature Content
Read with your responsibility
I won't be responsible
Only if you like stuff like that (I'm sure you do, also that's why you downloaded Wattpad tho)
The Riddle brothers are horny af
Don't say that I didn't warn you

Dear diary,

it's finally Sunday. Exactly. This week was extremely busy. Monday I had detention with Mattheo because he was staring at me in class. Tuesday I had the night shift with Tom while the last night I hadn't sleep because Mattheo was horny. Ugh this boy. As much as I want to stop him by fuck me I can't. I love him so damn much that I can't stop him. Anyway. Wednesday I had 2 classes with Snape. I swear to God, this bitch is making want to murder people. Skip to the next day. Thursday. What can I say about Thursday? I hated it. Some boys had fun with me because of my body account. I know I'm fat but I don't feel confident someone is having fun about it. Friday morning was cool. I hadn't any class. Actually I lost the first 2 because I had the night shift once again with Tom. Evening. I had practice for the Quidditch game. I'm in. Yup. I'm in. Friday night was extremely hot. This mf Mattheo was horny once again. I don't know how I can handle him. I will need a wheelchair soon. Yesterday was a cool day. I relaxed. The night we had a party that Hufflepuff drop. Today. Finally we came to today. I'll probably write later for the night but it doesn't matter. Draco, Tom, Mattheo, Blaise and I will meet up to Mattheo's and Draco's dorm to play 7 minutes in heaven. I swear. If I be with Mattheo or Tom it's gonna be "7 minutes in hell". Not in heaven. They are tough enough. That's why I love them. Tom in a friendly way of course. I can't believe yet that he accepted we being friends. He hasn't any friend. He had followers till I killed his father and all of their plans fell apart. Mattheo is hot af. I'm in love with him. Those eyes and those lips. Mhm. I love him so damn much. He is hot, cute and even more. Of course he is horny. Every single day. I like to piss him off sometimes but he doesn't show that he likes it but I can say that he likes it. He likes the consequences after that. He likes to punishing me. Like I do.

Before I continue writing someone takes my diary. I look up and see Mattheo.

"Hey. That's mine".

"He likes the consequences after that. He likes to punishing me? Mhm. Like you do?".


I try to take my diary back but he lifts his arm up. I'm even shorter than him so I can't reach it.

"A kiss baby and it's your's".

I softly smile and kiss him. I try to pull away but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer him. After a while we pull away and he smirks. He hands me the diary and I softly smile.

"Horny mf".

"You love that".

"Do I?" his smile fade. "Yes. Yes I do".

"Damn guys. Stop being so-"

"Tom" we both say.

He laughs and we softly laugh. "We gotta to go to your dorm Mattheo".

"Let's go".

We all walk there and see Blaise and Draco already there. We all sit down. First, we drink a few shots and after start playing. I spin first the bottle and it lands between Tom and Mattheo. They both look at me.

"Threesome" Blaise says.

"Someone gonna need a wheelchair" Draco says.

Tom and Mattheo softly smirk and I look at them. We get in the other room. Mattheo pulls me at the wall while Tom is casting some silencing spells and locking the door. Mattheo starts kissing my neck and I pull my head back as he finds a sweet spot really quick.

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