Chapter 22: The argument and the final situation

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The next morning I wake up really early. Yesterday night I hadn't the night shift. I was lucky. I didn't see Tom at the bed. Confusing. He would probably be asleep. It's like 5 am. I went the bathroom and take a quick shower. A change clothes, brush my teeth, dry my hair and sit to my bed to study a bit.

1 hour later Tom walks inside. His hair a mess and he is out of breath. He didn't just ... Who the hell did he fuck? He looks scared when he saw me.

"Y-Yn? Weren't you at the ... Hospital Wing?".

"Sorry that I destroyed your perfect night".

"You can't say that you destroyed it".

"How dare you talk to me with that tone?".

"Why? Who do you think you are? You are just a girl".

"Wow. You can actually play really good with the feelings of a girl. Hope you don't do the same at this innocent girl that you fucked".

"Shut your mouth. Don't you dare talk to me like that never again".

"Why not Tom? What will you do? Kill me? I don't give a fuck. From the time that you don't even care about me I don't give a fuck if I die or not".

"You changed".

"You changed me".

"I didn't do anything to you. Don't take everything personal".

"Are you serious?".

"I loved you, Yn but you pushed me away".

"Loved? Not anymore?".

"No. At least not like before".

I just stay there and stare at him in disbelief. He fucking promised. I should wait it. He could never keep his promise. He never does.

"Fine. Have it your way. Go to your fricking girlfriend-"

"Don't take her name to your mouth".

"And fucked her till the daylight".





He grabbed me by my throat and pulls me at the wall. I can't breath normal. I'm losing a lit of air. I start hitting his hand to let me go but he doesn't.

"T-Tom p-please".

"Don't. You. Dare. To. Talk. Like. That. To. Me. Never. Again. Did you understand me?" I don't respond. I can't respond. He drops me the ground and I hit at the edge of the bed my head. My nose starts bleeding and I gasp for air. "I said Did. You. Understand. Me?".



"Y-Yes m-my l-lord".

"Don't do that again" I nod. "WORDS".

"I promise".


"C-Can I ... Can I give an idea?".


I try to stand up and sit at the bed but I guess he did a spell because of some sort of magic I got pinned at the cold wall and a gasp left my mouth.

"What idea?".

"We ... We could stay friends" I feel the magic "grabbing" my throat really tight.

"I don't have friends".

"Familiar. Only. No friends, no in a relationship. Just ... Just 2 familiars".

He stops the spell and I fell the ground gasping for air.

"Juts 2 familiars. Huh?" I nod breathless. "Ok. We will be just 2 familiars but I'm gonna protect you. Don't think for a second that if a boy go against you or try to hurt you, that I won't be there for you".

"Ok. Anything you want, Tom".


He goes at the bathroom and I sit at my bed again. I calm down and then I look at the time. I take my book, my notebook and wand and try to walk away but then Tom comes out of the bathroom. 

"Leaving without me?".

I softly smile and he comes near me. We walk together at the class. I'm glad that everything is fine between us. I couldn't stay mad at him for too long.


A.N.: That's a really short chapter but it doesn't matter. Longer will come soon.

Words: 668

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now