Tom Riddle

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- Has to have you sitting on his lap

"Here is your place darling"

- Empty classrooms and in the shower

"Yn dear why the hell did you not tell me you were taking a shower?"

- Dancing while holding your hips at parties

"You are not going away from me, love"

- Just those sentences

"Show me how much you love"
"You will be good for me won't you love?"

- Mock you when you don't speak loud and clear

- Likes when you get louder

"Do that again. I dare you".

"I'm not joking. Do that again and you will regret it".

"We are not done till I say that we are done"

"Did I say that you could stop?"

"You are mine and you will do as I say"

- He likes when you disobey him because he thinks that it's hot and likes putting you back to your place

"And where is my place. Huh? Where is it Tom?"

"Well well well. Such an attitude"

- Telling you to beg

"Beg for it"

- Not letting you cum

"Hold it like a slut that you are"

- No mercy of this boy, he isn't going easy

- Hair pulling

- Kissing your neck

- Likes to show everybody that touch you that you are his and his only

- Chocking you

- Teasing you

- Being on top

- Rough sex

- Wrapping an arm around me

- Touching me and making me uncomfortable

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now