Chapter 27: The past

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The class dismissed and I try to walk away but I heard Snape's voice.

"Parker wait".

I sigh and turn around. Tom and Mattheo stare at me. Draco is confused. They all walk away and I sit back to my sit.

"Yes. Professor".

"What is going on?".


"I asked you something, Parker".


"You sure?".

"Yeah. Nothing is wrong".

"Then why are turning into the girl that you were at the first year?".

I stare at him without talking. "I'm not".


"I promise professor. Nothing is going on and nothing is wrong with me. I just ... I'm a little down the last days".


"Ok. The last month but I'll turn back to normal soon. It's just those days that aren't my bests every year".


"I can't say. I don't feel like telling him the truth. He will critize it like everybody do. He will say that it was my mistake" I think. "I'll be the same as before. Just a few days".

"That was your last warning, Parker. Tell me right now what is going on with you or you are not a prefect anymore" I stay quiet. "Talk".

"Can I have till tomorrow? I need a little time to think how I'll explain whatever has happened".

"Me and all the professors will be at the Great Hall till tonight at 3 am. If you don't come, I'm sorry, but you are not a prefect anymore".

I nod. "I understand".

"You can go".

"Thank you professor".

I take my stuff and walk to my dorm. I get inside and the boys stare at me. I was nearly crying. Ready to. I didn't. They come near me.

"Yn? What happened?" Mattheo asks.

"Nothing. Why?".

"What did Snape want?" Tom asks.


"Are you ok?" Mattheo asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine".

I walk past them leave my stuff to my desk and get in the bathroom. I lock the door and sit the floor. The boys try to get in but they can't. I hear them sighing and a tear roll to my face. I decided to take a shower to calm myself down.

It's nearly 2 am. I get out of the bathroom and see the boys sleeping or I thought so. I take my wand and walk outside. I didn't know that but the boys followed me. I walk as fast as I could at the Great Hall. The halls are dark. I can't see anything around.

I get in the Great Hall and didn't see anyone. I sit down at a seat and sigh. I guess I'm not longer a prefect. Great. Everything are amazing. Then I heard footsteps. I turn around and see the professors. All of them. They see me and Snape nods.

I don't know if that's the best that I can do. I mean, I can promise them not to late again, that I'll be back to normal and all these. I don't think it's necessary to tell me the truth. I told anyone about it and I don't want to say something.

I guess it's essential. I have to. I don't want not to being a prefect. After everybody will turn back to normal. All will hate me and have fun with me. I'll can't do anything.

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now