Chapter 14: Deaths - Anger - Fights - Truths

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This chapter has a lot of deaths, spells and even more of stuff like that. If you don't like those please scroll to the next chapter (when I post it 😫).


I walk to my first class for today. History of Magic. I have lesson with Snape. I hope he will be in mood because I'm ready to kill everybody that will step on my way. I walk inside and look around for an empty seat but the only empty seat was next to ... Fuck. Next to Kai. I sigh and walk there placing my books at the table and sitting next to him. He looks at me sad/mad but I ignored him.

"Yn can we t-"

"The lesson is starting. Quiet".

"Sorry for before".

"Can't you keep your fricking mouth shut?".

He softly nods and I look at my book.

"Open your book at the page 279" Snape walks inside and I can say that he is mad as always. Great. "The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible. Parker say something about the dark Magic" he points on me.

"When a wizard goes over ter the Dark Side, there's nothin' and no one that matters to 'em any more" I say.

"Which are the spells Mrs. Parker?".

"Knockback Jinx which the Incantation is Flipendo, Oppugno which the Incantation is Oppugno, Revulsion Jinx which the Incantation is Relashio, Bat-Bogey Hex, Knee-reversal hex and Toenail-growing hex which their Incantation is Unknown since today, Cruciatus Curse which the Incantation is Crucio, Imperius Curse which the Incantation is Imperio and the Killing Curse which the Incantation is Avada Kedavra".

"Very well Mrs. Parker. There are 3 potions. Who knows them? Mr. Riddle?" he points on Tom.

"Rudimentary body potion, Regeneration potion and Drink of Despair".

"Someone to explain those because Mr. Riddle can't seems to remember the notes that I gave the last time" I raise my hand as Mattheo and Kai did. "Mr. Riddle?" he points on Mattheo.

"Rudimentary body potionis a potion used to or used in combination with other magic to create a rudimentary body that can be inhabited by a non-corporeal wizard. Its ingredients consisted of Unicorn blood and potent Snake venom. Regeneration potion. Its ingredients included a bone from the father unknowingly given, flesh from the servant willingly given, and blood from an enemy of the one for whom it was intended. It created a new body for a Dark witch or wizard who has used Horcruxes and lost their original body. This new body was a replica of the old one and had its former powers too. It apparently required that the Dark wizard existed within a rudimentary body that could be placed within the cauldron after all the ingredients were added. If the blood of the enemy contained protections or infections, like a love sacrifice, it would also affect or protect the wizard or witch reborn with it".

"And the last one Mr. Riddle?".

"Uhh ... "

"Don't you remember?" Mattheo doesn't reply. "Anyone else? Mr. Parker?" he points on Kai.

"Drink of Despairis an emerald green potion used in a stone basin in which the locket Horcrux was hidden. Its consumption caused the drinker to see "terrible things", dehydrate, and experience excruciating burning in one's insides. Because of the 'terrible things' it subjected its victim to, it had an effect similar to the presence of a Dementor".

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