Chapter 12: Tutor

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I am to my class (after the end of the class) with the professor. Tom walks inside and I look confused. He shouldn't being here.

"Professor, you asked me to come here?".

"Yes Riddle, I need your help with something".

"Of course. With anything".

"Yn is no longer a prefect like I already told her and I need you to taught her some stuff".

"Stuff? Stuff like what?".

"No like you understood" I think angry.

"She will inform you for everything".

"Ok. I'll help her".

"Thank you, Riddle. You can go. Parker I want from you to stay for a few minutes longer".

"Of course professor".

I say and Tom walks away with a huge smirk on his face. He sensed my annoyance before.

"Parker you will change dorm like it's obvious. You, Mattheo Riddle and your brother, Kai Parker will share the dorm. There is already a bed there for you".

"Ok. Thank you professor".

He nods and I walk away. I go at my new dorm and walk inside. Mattheo and Kai look at me confused.

"Yn?" Kai says.

"Place for 3?".

They softly smile.

"You are not a prefect. Right?" Mattheo says.

"No. I have some difficulties with something and I'm no longer a prefect because of the stupid Snape".

"Chill" Kai says.

"And the worst. Tom will be my tutor".

Mattheo tries to hold his laughter back. Kai as well. I give them a death stair and someone knocks the door. I open it and see Tom standing in front of me.

"Uhh ... Tom?".

"You ready?" He sees the boys that have started laughing.

"Yes. I'll be at the library in 3 minutes".


He walks away and I turn around giving them a warning stair.

"Shut the hell up. I'm not in the mood".

I change into a black, short skirt and a hoodie. It fits perfectly to my body. Nothing is showing. I have a problem with my body a lot of years now. I don't like it. I actually hate it. A lot of people were body shaming me and now I don't feel confident with it. I take my wand, book and notebook and walk away. I headed at the library and see Tom sitting there waiting for me while he is reading a book. He sensed me.

"Will you stand there or will you come and sit? We have work to do".

"Yeah. Sorry".

"You should be".

I walk near him and sit across him.

"No. Here. Next to me".

I shallow hardly and sit next to him.

"Now. What do you need help with?".

"I can't remember some effects".

"Alright. Turn to page 207".

"207? That's not what we are doing at the moment, Riddle".

"Do as I say. I'm the one tutoring you. Right?".

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now