Chapter 20: The night shift

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This chapter will be short. I mean like 900 words or less. It will be just the night shift. A bit boring. It will have a lot of conversations with Tom at the most and with a girl that went out of her house. You will see. Enjoy the chapter.


Tom and I have the night shift. I change into a black skirt and a hoodie. I wear my robe and get out of my dorm. Tom follows from behind. We split out and start walk around the whole school. We meet each other a lot of times but everytime, no one were talking. We just continued our "work". After a lot of times Tom stops me. He sees me with tears and pulls me to his hug. I hug him tight and try to relax.

"I'm so sorry Tom" I whisper. He kisses my forehead.

"It's not your mistake that you are like that. There is a reason that you have all this power in you".

"I hurted you".

"You didn't".

"I burnt your back Tom".

"Forget it. You healed it and I'm fine. It doesn't hurt".

"Nothing hurt you" I pull away and look down.

"Because I lived a lot of stuff".

"Like what? You never tell me".

"It doesn't matter. Also you don't tell me anything either".

"It's better like that".

"Then don't wait from me to tell you something about me if you don't tell me either".

"How will I tell you if I don't know what you have lived. I don't know how you will react".

"It can't be that bad. You haven't live anything. At least against my life you had a perfect life".

"Excuse me?".

"You haven't feel pain or like someone really close to you have betray you".

"You don't know that".

"Yeah. I'm sure you haven't. A person like you, so happy, always with a fricking smile to your face and always looking the good side, Like You, haven't live any bad to your life. Like You".

"You don't know what I went through".

"To brake up with a toxic person isn't something big".

I pull away from him and tears start streaming down my face.

"I thought you loved me. A person that loves the other never says stuff like that".

"You actually thought I loved you?" he says with a devil smirk on his face. "No one will ever love a piece of shit like you" more and more tears streaming down my face. "Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you?" he comes closer to my left ear and whispers. "Good. Keep crying. Those are my tears. You are crying for me and only me. You. Are. Mine".

He pulls away from me and smirks. I can't control my tears anymore. "Then why are you still with me if you don't love me?" I ask him.

"You better watch your mouth, darling. Like I said. You are mine and mine only" I look down and he smirks. "See you in a few hours to our dorm. We don't have our first 2 classes".


"Stop crying. You are not a baby. Stop it".

I nod and pull my tears away. He scoffs and gives me a death stair.

"I said. Stop. Crying. I won't repeat myself, Parker".

I take a few deep breaths but I can't control myself. I run away and he softly smirks. I go at the library and sit at the floor (at the most dark, empty and small part of the library).

"How could he say stuff like that? He doesn't know anything about me".

More tears roll to my face. I managed to calm myself down and stand up. I go back at the halls and continue my shift. I meet with Tom multiple times but I just ignore it. Then I fell up to a girl. She fells down and I look at her.

"What are you doing out that late?".

"I'm so sorry".

"You must be Luna. Right?".

"Y-Yeah. Please don't take points from my house. Please".

"Calm down. Well. Don't go from there. Tom Riddle has shift there. Better go from there. It's more safe".

"Thank you so much".



She runs away and I softly smile. I continue walking and then see Tom that has stop Luna.


I go there and Tom stares at me.

"What happened here?" I say and look at Tom.

"You should take points from her house".

"You do stuff like that. Not me. At least not tonight".

"But yesterday you did take points from Ravenclaw".

"Like I said not tonight. Luna you can go".

"Thank you".

"She won't".

"Luna go".

Luna walks away and at the same time Tom grabs me by my throat and pushes me against the wall really hard. I try to breath but I can't. I start losing a lot of air.

"Don't you dare to do anything against me. Never again. Did you understand me?" I don't respond and his hands tightens around my throat. "I said. Did. You. Understand. Me?".

My neck is hurting me but I manage to say the words that he wanted to listen. "Yes m-my l-lord".

He pulls away and I fell the ground gasping for air. Tears roll to my face and I start coughing.

"Look at me" he orders and I obeyed. He kneels down and grabs me by my chin. "Don't ever disobey me again. Got it?".

"I promise".


He pulls away and continues his shift. I did the same.

A.N.: It's nothing WOW but I think it's a good chapter. Btw I wrote this while I was at school so please don't critize it at all. It's bad. I know but anyway. Enjoy it <3

Note: I wrote a lot of chapters at school and I just upload those while I'm home.

Words: 981

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