Chapter 6: I can't do this anymore

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Cringe and weird stuff in here.

I actually don't know if I liked this chapter or not but I continued and wanted to posted so everyone can see how bad ideas I have. So please enjoy this chapter and if I liked it then please tell me that so I know how to continue.

~Mature content~


Mattheo and I are out of Voldemort's "meeting room". I take a deep breath and we walk inside. Voldemort's eye fell immediately to me. I'm absolutely scared at the moment. He looks angry. Really, really angry.

"Come here right now".

He orders me and I obey. I walk near him quickly and stand a bit away from him.

"Closer" I stare at him scared. "I said CLOSER".

I quickly take some steps closer him. He stands up. Holy fûck. He is really tall and I feel really powerless. I look up at him trying to control my fear.

"You gave orders when I already had given both of you".

"I'm sorry my lord".

"You dared and disobeyd my warn, my orders. Huh? Nice. Good for me. I guess you saw what happened to Tom. Right?".


"You" he points on Mattheo. "Take her downstairs and don't you dare do anything against me again".



I look confused and Mattheo walks near me. I look at him and he goes me in a basement. I can't see anything around till he turns on the lights. I see a chair with ropes waiting for waists and legs to tie up.

"No. Mattheo please. Tom is really powerful. I won't go through this".

"I have to".


Tears start streaming down my cheeks. He sits me at the chair and I try to pull away with my whole power but he pulls me stronger. He ties me up and after pulls away. I can't cut the ropes. Mattheo stares at me as more and more tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"Mattheo please. Please. I don't wanna die".

He walks away and i start cry.


Mattheo's POV

I walk upstairs again.

"Did you get this done?".

"Yes. I tied her at the chair. She is probably still crying and maybe yelling for someone to save her".

"Good. Now sit down and enjoy her sweets screams while she is getting beating up".

I don't know why but I felt bad for her. I could obviously not disobey him again. I sit down and some of his followers walk downstairs. I start hear her screaming in pain and that's killing me inside.

What is going on with me? I shouldn't feel like that. It's not the first time. After a while I see the men's walk upstairs again with blood to their hands.

"Go and check her. Don't touch her and don't talk to her. Just check her. Her pulse. She won't die yet".

"Will you kill her?".

He gives me a death stair and I walk downstairs immediately. I can't hear her anymore. I walk inside and see her face, arms, legs bleeding. She has faint. I walk near her and try to find her pulse. I didn't hear it at the first place but I heard it. I exhale hardly.

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now