Chapter 17: Hurcrux

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If you are bored to take lessons about what a
Hurcrux is then skip to the next chapter
that all will come back to Hogwarts and some other stuff but I think that maybe you will like it because Snape and us will be ironic and like you can understand when Snape is ironic everybody laughs (I think 😶). Anyway. Do whatever you want and whoever reads it enjoy.


I walk downstairs and try to find Snape at the whole school. I didn't go at his class. He will be probably there. I walk to his class and see him bring back every single broken thing. I knock the door and he turns around.


"Hello professor Snape".

"What do you want in here?".

"I need to ask you something professor" I walk inside and go near him.

"What?" he says coldly.

"Can you tell me what a Hurcrux is?".

He does a spell and all the door, all the windows shut close. He locks the door and puts silence in the class. I look around confused.

"What did you just say?".

"I need to learn what a Hurcrux is professor".


"I just want to learn. I heard Voldemort says that before I kill him".

"Come tomorrow here".

"Thank you professor".

"And don't say to anyone about it. Got it?".

"I promise".


He stops the spell and I go back to my dorm. I lay to my bed and fell asleep immediately. I was really tired.


Skip time to the morning


I wake up early the morning. I take a shower and let the hot running water hit my sensitive skin. After 1 whole hour I get out and change into a black skirt and a dark green shirt. I wear my Slytherin robe and get ready to do my makeup. Nothing serious. Not so much. Just a bit mascara. Nothing else. I look myself at the mirror and see dry blood from cuts to my face. I put on my mascara and stare at myself.

"I wish it was worthy the whole thing. I don't want something worse happen again".

I sigh and take my wand and notebook. I walk downstairs and get in the class. I didn't see Snape. Phew. He would he angry if he would be here before me. I take some steps and then I heard a cough. I turn around and see Snape.


"You are late 5 minutes miss Parker".

"I'm sorry professor".

He stares to my face for a few seconds. "Take a seat".

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