Chapter 2: The assignment

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A small mature content

It's not much but if you don't want to read it go to the other chapter

Also sorry if there are mistakes. English isn't my first language.


Yn's POV

I woke up the next morning and I was alone in the room. Exactly. I see my notebook at the table.

"I never left it there".

"I did".

I look at the door and see Mattheo standing there.

"You did?".

"You fell asleep and I let it to your table".

"Oh shit" I thought and open the notebook. The spells aren't there and I don't remember which I had write.

"I have those" he takes the pages out of his pocket.

"Give them back" I stand up and take some steps closer him. His smirk fade and I stop walking. I was filled with anger. "Just give it back".

"Why do you need them?".

"No reason".

"Tell me".

"I'm just trying to pass my lessons and being a "good girl", like you would say, around here".

"Good girl only for me".

I walk near him and grab my piece of paper. I try to walk away but he grabs me by my neck and pushes me at the wall. The paper fell the ground. My neck starts hurt me and bleeding.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. Take it. I don't want it".


He pulls away and takes the paper.

"We have Charms in 10 minutes. You better don't late. Professor Snape will be angry with you" he walks away and I sigh.

I change into a black skirt and a hoodie with hood. I wear my hood, take my books, notebook, wand and leave for the class.

I arrive before professor Snape. I look around and sit at the last seat (right next to door, really back). The door opens and Mattheo and Tom walk inside.

They see me and sit next to me (Mattheo right side, Tom left side). I try to stand up but professor Snape walks inside.

The lesson starts:

"Today we will learn about the "death spells" and no one of you will talk till the class dismiss".

"Just perfect" I whisper to myself.

"Did you say something Mrs. Diggory?".

"No professor".

"I see you want to talk. Tell me one of the "death spells" ".

"I didn't raise my hand. I don't want to answer".

"I don't care Diggory if you want or not. Do you know any or not?".

"I know all of them".

"Then let me hear you".

"Avada Kedavra, Crucio and Imperio".

"Very well Diggory. You better pay attention to my class".

I roll my eyes and look at my notebook. I was keeping notes while he was talking. Then Mattheo places his hand at the desk. I see his rings and stare at those. Bad guy or not he has a good style. I like his rings.

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