Chapter 3: Why should I learn the truth...

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Tom takes my hand and we disappear. We appear out of a burnt house. I take some steps back and look shocked. Tom looks at me confused.

"Tell me that my parents weren't living in there".

"Yes they did. You look like you knew them".

"I ... I actually did".

"Really? Well bad for you".

"I killed them".


"I was the kid that light up this house. I killed all of them".

"Your mom and dad".

"There were ... In there were my mom, my dad and 4 kids" Tom looks at me confused. "For God shake".

"You killed those kids?".

"I ... I don't know. I don't want to ... I don't know".

"You know I won't be angry. I killed people either. Kids were in them".

"The first person that aren't angry with me about it".

"Who knows about this?" he points at the house.

"I'm done with them".

"Meaning what?".

"They are all dead".


"Whoever knew about what I did is dead".

"What about Cedric?".


"Shouldn't he being dead?".

"He helped me go through this one. He helped me with everything. I own him my life".

"Your life?".

"You can say that I was ready to die a lot of times because of ... Some ... People that ... "

"Because of your ex and your fake parents?".


"Great. Let's go back".


I take his hand again and we appear back to the meeting room in front of everyone. All turn and look at us.

"So Yn. Are you gonna help m-"

"No but yes".


"I won't be part to your "team" thing but if you need me to do something I'll help. Only murder people that I truly hate".

Mattheo looks confused and stands up. "Yn you-"

"Sit down Mattheo" Voldemort says.

"Father she can't-"


Mattheo sits down again mad.

"What so you want me to do, father?" Tom says.

"I want you 2 to kill someone. Anyone. I want you to prove me, Yn, that I can trust you".

"You can".

"I want you to prove me that".


"You can go. All of you" he looks at Mattheo.

Mattheo sighs and stands up. We all catch hands and appear back to our dorm. Mattheo walks away and I sit to my bed. Tom sits next to me and stares up and down to me.

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now