Chapter 5: Death

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The next morning I wake up and see Tom sleeping on the floor. I feel bad for him and take my blanket and place it to him. I walk at the bathroom and take a shower before the boys wake up.

While the hot running water is hitting my sensitive skin I take moments from yesterday night. They had the completely control over me and I can't say that I'm feeling proud for myself.

As I finished with the shower I change into my uniform (I didn't want to wear normal clothes as always). When I started to do my makeup I see bruises that haven't heal yet.

"Oh shit. C'mon" I scoff. "Did you really have to put this spell on me?" Then I see a scar that says T.R and M.R on of every side of my neck. I walk outside and the boys stare at me.

"Something's wrong princess?".

"First, stop the spell and let me heal the bruises. Secondly, did you really have to mark my neck with those?".

They softly laugh.

"Calm down darling. We just want everybody knows who you belong to".

"C'mon guys. Let me heal them".

"Don't you dare".

I sigh. "Fine".

"So it's Saturday. What are we gonna do?".

"We can-"

Tom's sentence interrupted by an owl that came to our window. I take a letter from it's mouth and it flies away. I look the boys.


"It's ... It's from your father guys".

They stand up and Tom comes near me. He takes the letter and reads. He looks at me and after Mattheo. They don't brake eye contact.


"Tom what happened?".

"Mattheo you have to meet with him at 9 o'clock sharp. Don't be late. You remember".

"It's 8:55".


Mattheo nods and walks away.


"You shouldn't accept Yn".

"But I'm not afraid to kill someone or something like that. Plus I don't want to die".

"You have to kill someone. Today and I have to watch you doing this".


"Because he said so".

"Can't I just do this alone?".

"Are you afraid darling? Do you want to lie to me and don't really kill somebody?".

I shallow hard as he is taking some steps near me. I walk backwards till I hit at the wall. He came face to face me and I look scared.

"Answer to my question princess".

I shake my head. "Words Yn. I want words".

"I ... I'll kill anyone".

"Even Cedric?" I stare at him in disbelief for asking me that. "Let me guess. No Cedric. Mhm. What about ... "



"I hate this bitch".

"Trying to act tough even if you are not. Let me ask you something Yn. Are you afraid of ... My brother?" I shake my head. "Say at least a fucking word".

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now