What turn Tom on

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- kiss him to his neck

"Stop it Parker but continue if you want to get hurt"

- Nicknames


- The way you look at him

"What do you want, Parker?"

- When you hug him from behind and whisper

"I love you Tommy"

- Your attitude

"You have such an attitude against me, darling?"

- When you don't wear your bra because you were too tired to wear it and stuff like that

"You know where we would he if we hadn't any class with that attitude of your's, don't you Parked?".

- When you licking your lips or when you bite them

"Stop biting your lips, Parker"

- Your smile

"Not again with this stupid smile"

- When you are playing with his hair

"I could let you playing with my hair for centuries"

-When you moan (actually doing that all the time without reason just to turn him on)

"You moaned again. Don't late after class to come back to our dorm, darling"

- Your body and because he knows that you hate your body he loves it even more

"Tommy I hate my body. They had fun with me again" Yn whispers.

"Tell me their names darling and I swear I'm gonna kill them no matter who are they".

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now