What turn Yn on

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- Nicknames

"Little one"
"My witch"
"Y/m/n" (if you have one)

- When he makes you sit on his lap

"Come here, darling"

- When he is kissing your earlobe sending you goosebumps around your skin

"Stop Tom it's annoying"

- You act like you don't like it but you know and he knows that you are crazy over his kisses

- When he is jealous

"When were you talking to him, huh?"

- Well yeah he is getting a little possessive over you

"You are mine and mine only"

- And you like it very much

- When he is mad because you do something that didn't please him

"Tom baby you are so hot when you are mad"

- 2 words: BLACK SUITS

"You look so sexy when you are wearing suits"

"Shirtless Tom

"Your skin is so hot and calming"

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now