Chapter 33

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Request from: neridolol I think and hope so 😃

What if nothing had happened?
What if Bellatrix wasn't in the forbidden forest?
What if Yn hadn't died?
What about Yn's and Mattheo's future if nothing had happened?

The next morning I go to my wardrobe and take some clothes. Then I went straight the bathroom. Me and the boys didn't sleep the whole night. I was just staring at the ceiling while they were talking. I didn't hear a word. I was so focused on my though that I completely forgot to hear them. I know that they were talking about me but I don't care at the moment.

I change into a black skirt and a hoodie. I wear my Slytherin robe and walk out of the bathroom. The boys stare at me. I ignore them and head out of our dorm. I go at my first class and sit to my seat. Tom, Mattheo and Draco come and sit next to me.

The class started. Snape was in mood to annoy us like always. Tom and Mattheo were talking, AGAIN, but I didn't care. Draco were hearing them. I didn't do anything. Just staring at my hands.

"Ms. Parker are you gonna pay attention or not?".

"Yeah. Sorry professor".

"Attention while I'm teaching".


He continues teaching and I start writing something to my notebook. I don't know what. Actually drawing. It was like a dracon, an another was like a snake. I don't know. I really don't know. Snape comes to my desk and grabs my notebook. He stares at my draws and drops it to my desk.

"Come find me at detention at 8 Ms. Parker".

I just nod and pack my stuff. The boys look confused. I was always paying attention at Snape. When I packed my stuff I walk out of the class.

Skip time

I walk at detention and I'm alone at the first place. Then Mattheo walks inside with blood to his face and Tom with blood to his hands. As worried as I was I didn't go near them to help. They sat a bit away from me and I look back to my book. Snape walks inside and we turn to look at him.

"Why it must be always you 3?" this annoying voice is getting on my nerves.

"Then don't give us detention asshole" I mutter under my breath.

"What did you say, Parker?".

"Nothing professor".

"Very well. You are going at the forbidden forest. All of you. Different tracks. Don't follow each other. You will do the same with the last time".

"Ok" we all say.


We all stand up and head to the forbidden forest. We split out and all are so quiet.

Skip to future

Yn and Mattheo are a married couple. They have 2 beautiful children. A girl and a boy. The boy is one year older than the girl.

"MATTY, WHERE IS AXEL'S WAND?" I yell from downstairs. Mattheo appears right in front of me and hands me the wand. "Thanks" I hand it to Axel (Axel is their son).

"Ready, buddy" Mattheo says.

"Yes, dad".

"C'mon. Let's go".

Mattheo and Axel leave and I see Marilyn running downstairs.

"Mom, they forgot me".

"Where were you upstairs?".

"I was asleep".

"Let's go".

We grab our hands and appear at the train station. We rush to the wall and see Mattheo and Axel. Axel runs inside and Marilyn follows him.

"You came" Mattheo says.

"She got asleep" he chuckled.

"She always does".

"She's the same with you. Of course she is always asleep".

"Ouch" we hear a voice and turn around. We see Tom standing there.

"Brother?" Mattheo says.

"Tom" I ran at him and hugged him. He hugs me back and afterwards we pull away.

"How are you, Theo?" Tom says.

"Good. How about you?".

"Great" they softly smile. "How's the littles?" I chuckle as Mattheo smiles.

"Trouble makers" Mattheo says.

"I didn't wait for anything more when they have you for a father. Seriously, love. What did you find at him?" I laugh.

"Hey" Tom laughs.

"Just kidding, brother" Mattheo shakes his head and smiles.

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