Chapter 15: Severus Snape

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Snake goes me to his office.

"Coloportus. Silencio".

"Professor I didn't k-"

"Sit down Parked".

I sit down and sigh. He sits behind his office (if that makes any sense) *at his chair* and stares at me.

"You are the girl with the prophecy".

"Yes I am".

"The Hybrid. The first of your kind".

"Yeah. Vampire-Witch".

"I know that".

I look down mad and after back to him.

"Why I'm here professor Snape?".

"You can't tell anyone about who you truly are".

"I know".


Hagrid runs inside and I turn to look at him. He is stressed and I can say a little bit scared.

"Albus is dead".

Snape looks at me and I turn to look at him.

"Everybody going downstairs to hide. Yn, inform every prefect. Find me to my class".

"Yes professor".


I walk away quickly. Tom and Mattheo see me and follow me behind.


"Mattheo you are going downstairs. Tom we have to inform every prefect. They found Dumbledore".

"Got this".

Mattheo walks away.

"I take Hufflepuff. Take the others".

I say and walk away. I arrive at Hufflepuff house and look stare at me. They take out their wands.

"Get out of here" a boy said.

"Jane Court. Where are you?".

She walks out of her dorm and sees me.


"It's Dumbledore".

All look at me and she goes me out of there.

"Tell me".

"He found dead. Everybody are going downstairs. Tom is informing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. We all will meet at Snape's class with out headmasters of our houses. Inform the whole Hufflepuff to go downstairs".

"Got it".

I nod and walk away. Suddenly I fell up to someone. My biggest enemy. Seamus Finnigan.

"Look who's here. Yn Parker".

"What do you want Finnigan? I have to go".

"I don't think so".

He takes out of his wand and I did either. We started throwing spells on each other. Both hurting till he uses the worst for me.


I fell the ground and scream in pain. I managed to grab my wand.


I say weakly. He takes his wand and runs away. I stay the ground hurting. A few seconds later I stand up and feel blood running down my face. I touch my eyebrows and see blood. I appear a mirror and see my face. Bruises, blood and by the way a mess. I walk slowly at the class trying not to fell the ground. I arrive a lot of minutes later. I go inside and all turn to look at me. Tom sees me and runs to me. I nearly fell down but he catches me. Snape walks near me.

"Tell me the name".

"It was Finnigan but I'm not hurting. At all".

"Riddle bring her in front. We have to discuss".

"Professor she has to rest and heal herself".

"We haven't time".

Snape walks in front. "It's ok. I'll be fine".

Tom nods and goes me in front. We all start discussing about the subject with Dumbledore till Hagrid runs inside. We all turn and see him.

"Hagrid?" I stand up and look him confused. "Who died?".

All turn and look at me confused.

"It's Harry".

All look shocked.

"Who killed him?" I ask.

"It was the Dark Lord".

Snape, Tom and I look each.

"Yn go. That's on you" Snape says.

"She will die out there. She is not a good wizard to fight against someone so-"

"Quiet Granger".

"She will die".

"You will die if you don't shut your mouth right now" I say warningly.

"I don't care. Just stop trying to act brave and tough. You are not. You are just a weak girl that don't know anything about magic" she continues.

"Granger" Snape says.

"All go downstairs with the other. Riddle and Parked with me" he adds.

All walk away and I stay with Tom and Snape in the class.

"That's on you Parker".

"I know professor but we have to move intelligent".

"How's that?".

I look at Tom. "You ready?".

"You won't take in you again".

"Why not?".

"You will die".

"Can't you trust me?".

"No. I don't fucking trust you. You will die".

"I won't".

"You are weak, Yn. You can't win Voldemort".

"You don't know that. You don't know my power".

"Even I can't go against him that I'm more powerful than you are".

"That's not true, Tom".

"Yes it is. You will die and we need you. We still need you".

"Then let me fight".


"Then I have to say goodbye cause you were the one that kept me alive but now I can see that you don't want me alive. So let's just die. Like you said I'm weak but remember something, Riddle. Don't critize people of how they look or what they show to you. You haven't see the whole me. You haven't see anything".


"Professor can you help me. I need a distraction".

"You got this, Parker".

I look at Tom. "Trust me or not I need your help. Distract him".

I walk away leaving the class.


A.N: A fight is coming soon. Who's dying? Who's staying alive? What's gonna happen?

Words: 864

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now