Chapter 19: The detention

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I take my wand and walk away without waiting for him. I can feel his anger but I didn't care and that's a mistake that I'll regret soon. I arrive at the Great Hall and sit down. I see Mattheo and Draco there either. I go and sit with them.

"What are you doing here?".

"Detention as well".


I sit down and they stare at me.

"Something is wrong, princess?" Draco says.

"Just McGonagall is getting on my nerves".

Mattheo softly laughs and I give him a stare.

"Just calm down".

"Now I understand why you and Tom are the same asshole".

I take my stuff and sit at the corner of the table alone. Mattheo shots me a glare that I ignored. Tom enters the Hall and sees me but he ignores me and goes to sit with Mattheo and Draco. Snape enters the Hall and we all turn to look at him.

(Btw at detention is was just me, Tom, Mattheo and Draco. No one else has detention)

"Well. You work on teams of 2 that I will creat. Parker and Riddle together" he points on Tom when he said Riddle. "Riddle and Malfoy together" he points on Mattheo when he said Riddle. Tom and I look each other. "Parker and Riddle will go at the Forbidden Forest".

"Easy" I whisper to myself.

"I suppose you think you’ll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, think again, girl — it’s into the forest you’re going and I’m much mistaken if you’ll all come out in one piece".


"You 2 will bring back here a hurt badly unicorn".

"Much easier" I whisper even more lower.

"You 2 are leaving. Now".

Tom and I stand up and start for the forbidden forest. Tom immediately stops me and I look at him.


"Look there, see that stuff shinin’ on the ground? Silvery stuff? That’s unicorn blood. There’s a unicorn in there bin hurt badly by summat. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We’re gonna try an’ find the poor thing. We might have ter put it out of its misery".

"Last Wednesday?".

"Let's just go".

"No. Explain yourself".

"I have nothing to explain".


"WALK" he yells at me and I back off a bit. I look scared and nod. He sees me scared and shakes his head. "Let's just go. Ok?".

I nod and continue walking. Tom looks mad and follows behind me. After a while I stop walking.

"We could just split up. It would be easier. What do you say?" I say.

"It's better to stay together. It's dangerous".

"It will be easier".

He stares at me and softly nod. "Fine but if anything happen and I won't be there to help-"

"I can protect myself, Riddle. I don't need protection".

I walk away and he sighs. He walks on the other track.

I was walking like that:

I was walking like that:

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