Not part of the story pt. 2

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Here is whoever has DIED after the fight with Voldemort

(I couldn't find something better I'm sorry)

Harry Potter
- witch
- Gryffindor
- not a prefect
- dead
- didn't kill Voldemort
- player at the Quidditch game
- has won once
- knew a lot about magic
- didn't have the prophecy
- Hermione and Ron friend

Ron Weasley
- witch
- dead because of Yn's spell against Voldemort
- friendly, respectful, caring, loved everybody
- hated the Slytherin students
- Harry's friend
- Hermione's boyfriend
- didn't know a lot of magic but he was a nice witch

Albus Dumbledore
- headmaster
- head of Gryffindor
- witch
- dead because of Yn, Tom and Mattheo
- caring, friendly, respectful, loved everybody, give everyone a chance to work on themselves
- knew everything about magic

- "witch"
- dark Lord
- dead because of Yn
- rude, mean, cold-hearted, hates everybody
- fast unforgivable spells a lot
- kills Harry Potter

Pansy Parkinson
- witch
- Slytherin
- not a prefect
- didn't study a lot
- not a good student
- murdered by Yn
- hated Yn, Tom and Mattheo
- Draco's "girlfriend"
- rude, mean, cold-hearted, sensitive, cries easily, scared of Yn, Tom and Mattheo
- dead

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now