Chapter 23: Raped?

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This chapter maybe you won't like it. Like I said at the title will have some parts of not good actions against Yn. If you want you can just scroll down.


The next morning I wake up really early. I see Tom studying and I softly smile. All are back to normal. I sit up and jawn (if I spelled it correct).

"We have class in 10 minutes. You better hurry up".

"Yes sir".

He softly laugh and I smile. I go the bathroom and change into my skirt and a t-shirt. I wear my robe and get out. He stares at me for a while.

"Take a pic, it will last longer" I take my book, notebook and wand and stare back at him.

"Shut up".

I softly laugh and we walk at the class. I see 2 empties seats between Draco and Mattheo. Tom sees me staring at Draco with disgust and leans to my ear.

"Sit next to Mattheo".

"Thank you".

I go and sit next to Mattheo and Tom sits next to Draco. What can I say? I don't like Draco at all. He is just my friend. Mattheo is better. A LOT better. The lesson starts and after 1:30 hours it dismissed. I go to my next class. At this class Tom, Mattheo and Draco aren't with me. I sit at the last desk. I wasn't in mood for lesson and all these. 2 of my enemies come and sit next to me (in each side of me). I take a deep breath and the lesson starts.

After a while I felt a couple of hands to my skirt. I look down and see both of them touching me. I try to pull them away but they grab me harder. They end up hurting my legs. I have some bruises to my legs. One of them leans to my ear.

"Don't try that again, darling. It won't end well for you".

I softly nod and they smile. Then I felt their hands getting down of my skirt. I wanted to scream, to cry. I wanted to do anything just to leave from here. They start touching me (you know where) and some tears roll to my face. They softly smile and look in front. The class finally dismissed and I pack my stuff and run away. They run behind me and finally grab me. They push me into an empty classroom and then pull me at the wall. Hard.

"Please. I didn't do anything".

"Shut your mouth princess".

"You don't want something worse happen. Right?" I shake my head scared and they smirk. "Well you have 2 options".

"What ... What are they?".

"We won't tell you. You will choose".

"How will I choose if I don't know what are the options?".

"You are right".

"Am ... Am I?".

"Yeah. We will just do both".



"W-What w-"

"Shut your mouth and you will find out" I nod slowly. "Good".

"Well. Let me tell you what is gonna happen. I am gonna beat you up and he is gonna give me a little ... Satisfaction".

"What ... Satisfaction?".

"You know what I mean, don't you?".

"Please. Don't do that".

"As much as you are talking that much angrier I'm getting and trust me, you don't want something same with the next time happen again" I shake my head and he smirks.

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now