Chapter 7

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        Naruto was surrounded by a group of people with hate in their eyes. They were yelling at him and he stood in a middle of room crying. One person grabbed him and tied him up, then pulled out a knife. The man smiled" I hope you suffer demon." He then jammed the knife into his leg, and Naruto screamed out in pain. The man smiled as he slowly pulled out the blade and jammed into Naruto's shoulder. The scream from Naruto could be heard from a mile away. That's when Hinata woke up with tears on her face. She still had a hard time dealing with what Naruto had to put up with as a young kid. She noticed he was laying on her lap with his arms around her waist. She smiled as this was the first time she saw him not having a nightmare. He seemed so peaceful, but then he turned his head and was face down into Hinata's crotch. She turned bright red and couldn't help but moan. Naruto was breathing and it kept her getting more turned on. She was so turned on she actually had a orgasm and passed out. Naruto woke up a little confused on where he was and noticed he was on Hinata's lap.

        Naruto shot up and looked at her and couldn't help but smile. She really looked beautiful and made his downstairs swell up. He got out of his tent as quiet as he could and looked around and decided to get things ready for them to leave soon. Hinata soon woke up and realized what happened before she passed out. She walked out of the tent and saw Naruto and he smiled at her" I hope you don't mind instant ramen. It's the only thing I pack when camping." Hinata smiled and said" I'm okay with that." They ate the ramen and packed up ready to move on. Not much was said and they started walking to the sand village. As they were walking Hinata said" Hey, Um m m  Naruto could we could we u m m m you k k know h h hold hands?" Naruto looked at her blankly for a minute and smiled and said" Sure, I think I've seen couples do that before." As he held out his hand, Hinata couldn't help but beam with excitment knowing this was the first person she has done this with. But it was also the only person she did want to do this with.

        Naruto held out his hand and she grabbed onto it and they stayed that way for a while. Hinata finally said" Hey, Naruto I was wondering about the fox demon inside you." Naruto turned to her with surprise. Mainly cause anyone who talked to him about the nine tails, they did with with fear or anger. But Hinata had asked him with concern, so he said" What about about him?" She then said" Well I know he attacked the village many years ago, but does anyone know why?" Naruto looked away confused. He never did know why the fox did attack. She then added" I was just thinking maybe he shared the same abuse as you, and that's why he did what he did." Naruto's mind was spinning, he never did ask why the fox attacked the village. The fox always seemed so full of hatred and though Naruto never attacked the village or felt hate like the fox did. Maybe the fox had to deal with more then what he needed to. The fox spoke up and said" Hey kid, keep this girl in your life." Naruto was back in his own mind with the nine tails.  Naruto then asked" Why?" The nine tails didn't smile like he normally did but looked to the side and said" She cares about you pup, more then anyone I've seen since your parents." 

        Naruto couldn't believe what the fox just said, it was the first positive thing he told him in his life. Naruto left his mind world and looked at Hinat and smiled" I don't why he attacked, but I do know you made him seem like you more. Hinata blushed not knowing what that meant. Naruto and Hinata kept walking for a while longer in silence and Naruto spoke up." Hey Hinata, why did you grow your hair out? I know when we were younger you had it short." Hinata blushed and said" I knew that girls wanted to grow their hair out long cause that's what Sasuke liked. I wanted to keep it short to show I didn't like him. But then he left and it seemed all the girls stopped caring about his taste so I grew mine out. Naruto looked down and said" So I guess it was to get my attention. I'm sorry Hinata, I know I was the only one who didn't notice." Hinata shook her head and smiled" At first I was hoping you would notice me, but then I knew it wouldn't be my hair to make you notice me, but me trying to get stronger." 

        Naruto smiled and said" You have gotten stronger, you stood up to the most powerful person the leaf village ever faced. Not only that, I have never seen you back down. When you fought Neji, I knew you were a great ninja. Hinata blushed and was feeling all sorts of happiness knowing that the love of her life was praising her. Naruto tightened the grip no her hand and said" Hinata, you are a great ninja and a better person, and I'm just sorry I never noticed before." She then hugged his arm and said" Just hearing you say that made it all worth it. All I wanted was for you to notice me, and since you do know, I couldn't be more happy." Naruto smiled and said" I notice the most beautiful person in all the world." hinata just grabbed his arm tighter feeling like she was on top of the world. Soon a village came into view and Naruto yelled" There it is! The sand village, let's go meet Gaara, he would be so proud of me finding a cute girlfriend." Hinata was so happy how Naruto said that, that she was his girlfriend and he was proud of her and so they headed off to the village hidden in the sands. 


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