Chapter 32

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Hinata woke and didn't remember going to bed. She saw she was still wearing her regular clothes. She sat up and thought about the dream she had. Naruto asked her to marry him. She looked at her finger and saw the ring. Then she realized that it wasn't dream . She smiled and started crying as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake Naruto. She wiped her eyes and slowly got out of bed, then changed her clothes. She crawled back into bed and Naruto was on his side watching her. She smiled and said" Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." He touched her cheek and said" Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping very good anyway. I'm just too happy." More tears came to her eyes and Naruto got worried and asked" What's wrong?" She wiped her eyes and said" I'm just so happy. You have no idea how much I dreamed of this. I love you so much Naruto."

Naruto wiped a tear from her cheek and said" I dreamed of getting married, but never knew it was going to be you. But I couldn't have picked anyone better, you really are the best thing to happen to me Hinata." She curled up next to him and she fell asleep in his arms. He kissed her head and fell asleep. Hinata woke up with Naruto hanging off the side of the bed. She smiled and got out of bed and decided to take a shower and then make breakfast. Hinata couldn't stop smiling know she was going to be marring Naruto. She couldn't count the times she thought about wanting to be married to him. It really was her life long dream. She got out of the shower and got dressed and heading to the kitchen. She started cooking and heard some rustling in the bedroom and after a few minutes, Naruto came out. He walked to the counter and said" Good morning Hinata." She smiled seeing how most of the time he looked like zombie in the morning.

She put a plate of food in front of him and said" Good morning Naruto." He slowly ate the food as Hinata made a plate of her own. When he was done he said" Thanks for the food, when your done eating I guess we can report to the Mizukage." Hinata nodded and continued to eat. When she finished they locked up their apartment and started walking to the Mizukage's building. When they got there, they walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. The big doors opened and they saw the Mizukage and her two body guards. The Mizukage smiled and said" Glad you both are here, I have your missions ready for you. Hinata I need you to go the dress store and pick out what your going to where for your wedding. After that, please help with the plant gathering till sunrise." Hinata nodded and left.

The Mizukage then looked at Naruto and said" I heard you spent time with Tinaka yesterday." Naruto nodded and the Mizukage then said" It was nice of you to spend time with him. His parents died a few years ago and became an outcast because of it." Naruto then asked" why would he be an outcast for that?" She then sighed and said" He took his parent's death pretty hard, and stopped being social with the kids around him, so they now treat him like a outsider." Naruto clenched his fist and she then smiled and said" But from what I heard, he went to class today with a smile on his face. So today I need you to get fitted for a tuxedo then your mission will be to hang out with Tinaka the rest of the week, when he's done with school." Naruto smiled and said" I will be happy too." Naruto bowed and headed out. As he walked out, he realized he had no idea where he was going.

He started looking around and talked to a few people who pointed him in the right direction. He found the store and when he walked in, he was greeted by a short man who was overly excited to see him. The man said" Oh, you must be Naruto, come now, we need to make measurements and find you your perfect tuxedo." Naruto was pushed to the back of the store where the man started taking measurements all over Naruto. When the man finished he said" Okay, I have what I need, I'll have you tuxedo ready in two days." Naruto nodded and left and decided to wait for Tinaka after class. Hinata in the mean time was at the dress shop getting sized up. The lady there was really excited and after sizing Hinata up said" Okay, now we have a few different styles and colors that would just look amazing on you."

Hinata looked at all the dresses and picked one that reminded her of her mother's that she saw in her parents wedding. The color was easy for her to pick out, it was a light lavender color. The lady then said" Okay, we will have this ready in three days." Hinata nodded and left to start the plant gathering. Naruto heard the bell ring and a bunch of kids came out of the academy. He soon saw Tinaka and waved at him. Tinaka smiled and started to run over to where Naruto was, until another kid pushed him down. Tinaka then asked" What was that for?" The kid was bigger then Tinaka and said" Because I can. Maybe your parents will help you. Wait, that's right, they can't help you, because they were weak like you and died." Tinaka looked off to the side trying not to cry hearing him say that.

Naruto walked up behind the other kid and did a hand sign and a mirror popped up from the ground and the kid turned around to see him getting laughed at by a bunch of people and he was crying. The kid then ran off and the mirror dissipated and Naruto helped Tinaka up. Naruto then said" I guess his biggest fear is to be laughed at by everyone." Tinaka then asked" What was that?" Naruto smiled and said" It's a jutsu that allows people to see what their afraid of." Tinaka smiled and said" That's so cool." Naruto said" I'm glad you think so, that's going to be the jutsu I teach you." Tinaka eyes got big and asked" You really mean it?" Naruto smiled and said" Of course, remember I never go back on my word. Now just show me where the training grounds are and we can get started." Tinaka then started walking with Naruto following.

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