Chapter 52

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Naruto followed the anbu member and they reached the prison and after a few hand signs the ground opened up and Naruto walked down and saw the cell where Sasuke was sitting. Sasuke looked up and smiled" I guess they got desperate to have you talk to me." Naruto frowned and said" I heard you won't eat or drink anything." Sasuke stood up slowly and said" I don't need anything from this village. It's full of traitors and murderers." Naruto took a deep breath and said" Tsunade found out what happened and what you said really happened and the man responsible has become a rouge ninja. We can find him Sasuke and make him pay for everything he's done." Sasuke started laughing and said" You think it ends with Danzo? No, someone else will do the same thing. There's nothing I want besides the destruction of this village and everyone to pay for the wrongs they have done to me." Naruto gritted his teeth hearing him say that. He heard the fox in his mind" I have a idea pup." Naruto then said sternly" We won't kill him!" The fox laughed and said" That would be the easiest route, but I have a way to where you may get through to him."

Naruto listen to what the fox had to say and Naruto said" So this will make us both feel each other's pain?" The fox nodded and Naruto looked at the anbu guard and said" I need you to go to Tsunade and ask her to come here. She will need to examine this for herself. The guard nodded and was gone. Leaving just Naruto and Sasuke and Naruto did a hand sign and the cell door opened and he walked inside closing the door. Sasuke glared and Naruto and said" Only certain ninjas can open the cell doors. How did you open it?" Naruto said" I have new jutsus that let me break this sealing spell on this cell. Now, I'm gonna feel your pain and your gonna feel mine." Sasuke just kept glaring at Naruto and Naruto's hand glowed red and he grabbed Sasuke on the arm. Sasuke found himself in the middle of the leaf village. He walked around and saw a group of villagers and they all had hate in their eyes. They laughed as one kicked something. Sasuke walked closer and saw a kid on the ground, he then noticed it was Naruto. He was on the ground crying and had bruises all over and the people were laughing.

Sasuke grabbed his chest and felt sad for Naruto, seeing him like that. Sasuke shook his head and tried to shake that this was just a genjustsu placed on him. Naruto was playing tricks on his mind. Sasuke then saw a man tie Naruto up to a wooden post and he grinned as he stabbed Naruto in the shoulder. Naruto cried out and one person said" That's what you get monster." Sasuke grabbed his chest again. He was feeling bad for Naruto and seeing him like this made his hate turn to sympathy. The scene around him changed and he was standing in front of the academy and he saw a bunch of kids come out and they all went to their parents and he looked over and it was Naruto on a swing. The look in Naruto's eyes made Sasuke drop to his knees and tears fell over his face. Sasuke knew Naruto had it rough, but he didn't know it was this bad. He always thought he had it worse than Naruto, but seeing this, made him realized that Naruto had to deal with so much more then him. Sasuke opened his eyes and he was back in the jail cell and on his knees and he looked to see Naruto in front of him who was in tears. Naruto said" I got to see and feel what you had to deal with. Losing your parents and killing your brother and finding out he did what he did to protect you."

Sasuke grabbed Naruto and hugged him and cried. Naruto hugged him back and Sasuke said" I didn't know, you had it so bad. I'm so sorry Naruto, I just thought I had it worse then anyone and wanted people to feel my pain. But feeling what you went through, doesn't compare to me." As the two hugged, Tsunade ran into the the room of the jail cells and saw Naruto and Sasuke hugging. The anbu member with her was about to jump in, but Tsunade put her arm up and shook her head. Sasuke let Naruto go and said" For what it's worth, I'm sorry for all this Naruto. I know you wanted to save me, and all I did was cause you more pain. Naruto smiled and said" No, you just made get stronger. I'm just glad your back." Sasuke looked over at Tsunade and said" I am ready to accept the punishment for my actions." Tsunade sighed and said" I will have to put you on a probation period and you have to be under surveillance 24/7." Sasuke nodded and he looked back at Naruto and said" Don't worry, I'll be back to showing you up as a better ninja." Naruto smiled and said" We'll see about that." Naruto left the cell and looked back at Sasuke" When you get out, make sure you stop by and have dinner with Hinata and I." Sasuke said" I would be honored." Naruto then walked up the stairs and started back to his house.

Naruto walked to his house and opened the door and shouted" Hinata, I'm home." Hinata popped out of the kitchen and said" Hey babe, you were gone a while, everything okay?" Naruto walked up to her and kissed her and said" Everything is perfect." She smiled and asked" Care to tell me what Tsuande wanted?" He said" She wanted me to talk to Sasuke." Hinata then asked" How did that go?" Naruto put his arms around her and started crying and said" I got through to him Hinata. We had to feel each other's pain and it was sad for both of us, but he's back to his old self. Hinata hugged him back and said" That's great, you always seem to bring out the best in anyone." Naruto smiled and said" And you bring out the best in me Hinata." She smiled and they both got ready for dinner and Naruto heard a knock on the door. He walked over and opened the door, only to see Sasuke there and he said" Well I'm out, so I'm here for dinner.

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