Chapter 25

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They finished their breakfast and got ready to leave. They stepped out of the apartment and headed to the Mizukage's place. As they walked Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand and she smiled. They kept walking and when they reached the building Naruto asked" Should we go in or wait for Chojuro?" Hinata said" Well, he might already be here, and if he's not, we can wait so we aren't late. Naruto nodded and they went inside. As they walked up the stairs they reached the door and knocked. After they knocked the big doors opened and Naruto and Hinata walked in to see the Mizukage and Ao next to her. She smiled and said" Welcome back, I assume the mission went well?" Before Naruto could answer the Mizukage raised an eyebrow and asked" Where's Chojuro?" She jumped up with a stare that would stop Madara in his tracks. Naruto was about to speak but then Chojuro came running up and into the room out of breathe.

The Mizukage and Naruto took a deep breathe for different reasons. Naruto then thought that Tsunade was right and that this women had a temper just like hers. The Mizukage then ran over to Chojuro and hugged him. He turned bright red and she said" Don't scare me like that! I saw only these two, and thought something happened to you." Chojuro then said" Sorry ma'am, I woke up late." She then noticed cuts on his face and said" What happened to your face?" He looked down and said" It was a jutsu the man put on Naruto and I." She frowned and looked at Naruto who had no cuts on him and she asked" How come he looks like he wasn't touched?" Naruto spoke up and said" I have a healing ability thanks to the fox." She then continued to hug Chojuro and said" My poor body guard, I will need to make sure I take care of you later." Everyone in the room got quiet and Ao said" Chojuro, aside from all this I assume you bought back the rouge ninja?"

Chojuro then said" Yes, he unfortunately killed himself before we could stop him. All three ninja explained what happened and the Mizukage then asked" Well, where's the body?" Naruto then summoned a frog who coughed up the body. The Mizukage looked at the body and said" Okay, I guess a mission well done. I will be sure to have your pay sent to your apartment, and you guys have the rest of today off, report back tomorrow around nine am and I'll have another mission for you." She then looked at Chojuro and said" And you will be taking me out to dinner tonight for making me worry." Chojuro blushed but was smiling as if it seemed like a reward. Naruto and Hinata bowed and left and they walked outside. Naruto then said" Hey Hinata, want to get some ice cream, it's kind of warm. She smiled and said" Ice cream would be nice." Then they started on their way.

As they walked this time Hinata reached for Naruto's hand and he grabbed it and put his other hand behind his head" Sorry Hinata, I'm not sure where to go, you don't by chance have a map on you?" She smiled and said" I don't have a map on me, but I think it's over this way if I remember correctly." She lead them around a few corners and they soon found the ice cream stand. Naruto got excited and ran over dragging Hinata behind him. They got to the stand and Naruto ordered three scoops of chocolate and Hinata ordered just one scoop of strawberry. They started walking with their ice cream and Naruto was eating his really fast and soon ate it all. Hinata was only about half way and Naruto looked at her and said" You better hurry or I may have to finish that for you." She smiled and said" I can't eat as fast as you."

Naruto smiled and kept acting like he was going to take a bite of her ice cream, one time though he got close and Hinata hit him in the face with her ice cream. Naruto had a glob of ice cream on his cheek and she laughed which made him laugh as well. When she stopped laughing she pulled him close and licked the ice cream off his cheek. He felt warm inside and smiled as they kept walking. Hinata finished her ice cream and as they walked Naruto noticed a park and they walked to it. When they got there, kids were playing around and Naruto smiled and Hinata looked at him funny. He then looked at her and said" Sorry, I just see young kids and see how happy they are, and think about me having kids." He put his hand behind his head and said" Not that I want kids soon, but to think of having a kid and making sure I'm there for them all the time." Hinata hugged him and said" I know you would make a great dad."

As they watched the kids Naruto couldn't help but feel happy seeing no kid was left out. He knew he was an outcast and knew the feeling of dread that came with it. Soon all the kids left and the sun was setting and Naruto said" Sorry, I guess all we did today was what I wanted to do." Hinata tugged on his shirt and said" Naruto, anytime I spend with you is what I want to do. Not only that but it was like a date today, and it means a lot to me." He smiled and hugged her and soon a voice yelled out his name and he turned and saw it was Chojuro and he ran up to them and said" The Mizukage needs to see both of you right away. The Hokage is here as well." Naruto got worried and all three hurried to the Mizukage holdup.

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