Chapter 51

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Naruto was in shock and he slowly walked closer and Iruka said" Sorry Naruto this was..." Before Iruka could finish his sentence, Naruto punched him in the stomach. Iruka crouched over in pain and Naruto then grabbed him and hugged him. Naruto started crying and said" You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Iruka hugged back and said" I'm glad to see you too." After a minute Naruto let go and asked" Why?" Iruka took a deep breath and looked at Tsunade who nodded at him. He then said" We got intel on someone who was after you, and they weren't the akatsuki. That's why you were sent away. After that, we were able to track down the man after you and he was a rouge ninja from the village hidden in the sand and information about me and what I knew about you and your location. So in order to make sure they wouldn't come to leaf and get me, we felt it best to fake my death so they wouldn't come here. We had to make it seem real, so there was a funeral and everything. Tsuande felt bad about the whole thing, which is why she went to meet you at the mist village."

Naruto was still in shock and Tsunade then said" We were able to get Gaara involved and the three men who were after you have been caught and taken care of, which is why we can now tell you the truth." Naruto then asked" So that scroll was just a lie?" Iruka frowned and said" Of course not Naruto, I meant every word. I just needed you to believe it, so you wouldn't try and look for me." Naruto smiled and said" Yeah, sounds like something I would do." Tsuande then said" Everyone in the village was sent a letter this morning saying that Iruka was alive. Which means Iruka, you need to go visit all of your students." Iruka asked" What if they all punch me like Naruto did?" Tsuande smiled and said" Well it means they care. Now then you do that and Naruto and Hinata, you two have today to get settled back in. Tomorrow you three will have a real mission, so be ready." They all nodded as they were walking out Tsuande noticed the scythe on Naruto's back and asked" Naruto, I thought you didn't use big weapons like..." Her eyes grew wide taking a closer look and asked" Naruto is that the reaper's scythe?"

Naruto said" Yeah, I picked this up in the mist village." Tsuande said" I heard about that weapon, and it's said to be the most powerful weapon in the world. It was rumored that it stopped Madara Uchiha from taking over a village." Naruto said" Yeah, this thing has a ton of power and it gives me new jutsus to use." Tsuande then said" Well make sure nobody has it but you, if that fell into the wrong hands, who knows what would happen." Naruto nodded and left the building and as he walked out Hinata was waiting for him and she asked" What did Tsuande want?" Naruto said" She just wanted to know more about my awesome weapon." Hinata smiled and said" Well, we are back and have another day together. What should we do?" Naruto thought about Tinaka and said" We should write Tinaka and..." He stopped and smiled" On second thought the scythe just gave me a new jutsu to use." He then made a few hand signs and yelled" Mirror clone jutsu!" A mirror came out of the ground and Naruto reached in a pulled out his reflection and Naruto's copy started walking away. Hinata then asked" What was that?"

Naruto smiled and said" It's a clone that last for 30 days unless it's killed, he's gonna go to the mist village and help train Tinaka and explain why we aren't there anymore." Hinata said" That's great." Naruto grabbed her hand and said" How about a walk around the village to see all that's been built?" Hinata nodded and he grabbed her hand and they walked around the village. After about an hour a Anbu member showed up and said" Naruto, your requested by the Hokage at once." Naruto knew by now that asking why would be pointless and said" I'll be there." He then turned to Hinata and said" Why don't you go shopping and I'll be home for dinner." Hinata felt a bit uneasy but said" Okay." Naruto then took off and headed to where the Hokage was. Naruto walked in to her office and she said" Naruto we have a problem, and it has to do with Sasuke. He won't eat or drink anything, also he has some sort of protection in his mind to where we can't read it, even in our sealing prison. I was hoping maybe you can talk to him again, seeing if somehow you can get through to him. If you don't, I'm afraid he may just stay in jail forever."

Naruto nodded and Tsuande then said" I was able to find out some things from the elders and Sasuke was right on what happened. His brother was ordered to kill everyone in his clan in order to keep Sasuke safe. I have dismissed the elders from their position and I am the only one who is in charge here. So please try to get through to Sasuke, it's not fully his fault on why he has become this way." Naruto then said" I'm not even sure I can get through to him. He seems so full of hatred for everyone." Tsunade smiled and said" You have something about you Naruto that seems to make people want to be a good person. I have faith you can turn him around." Naruto smiled and said" I'll bring him back believe it!" Then he ran off to where Sauske was.

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