Chapter 41

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Naruto heard a loud knock on the door and he got up and opened his front door. Ao was standing there and said" I'm glad I showed up to make sure you get ready for your wedding. Naruto rubbed his eyes and said" It's this early?" Ao sighed and said" Your wedding is less then an hour from now, so go eat, shower, and get dressed. Meanwhile Hinata woke up early, excited and nervous at the same time. She took a shower and put on some simple clothes, she decided that she will wait to put on the wedding dress until she was where they were going to have the wedding. She then realized she didn't know where the wedding was. She calmed herself down and figured it would be at the town hall, but she still didn't know where it was, and she didn't know what time wedding would start. In her panic she heard a knock on the door and walked over and opened the door. The Mizukage was there smiling and said" Hello Hinata, ready for your big day?" Hinata looked down and said" I guess, I'm just really nervous." The Mizukage then hugged her and said" Don't worry, I know your nervous now, but as soon as you walk down the aisle, you will feel fine."

Hinata had a small breakfast and The Mizukage and her walked to the town hall. Hinata got there and followed the Mizukage to a room and helped Hinata get dressed. The Mizukage stood back in awe and said" You look beautiful. Also I have a surprise for you. She then walked over to the door and called out to someone. Hinata then saw her father walk in and she ran to him" Daddy!" He hugged her and when she let go, he looked at her and said" You look beautiful Hinata." She smiled and asked" What are you doing here?" He then said" I'm not going to miss walking my daughter down the aisle." She smiled and the Mizukage then said" You should go see Naruto while I do Hinata's hair." He nodded and left the room. Naruto followed Ao to the town hall feeling nervous after each step. When they got there, Ao lead Naruto to a room and said" Go ahead and wait here while we finish getting things set up." Naruto nodded and watched as Ao left, only to leave more nervous then before. Naruto sighed and heard a knock on the door and someone walked in, and he saw Hinata's father. Naruto asked" What are you doing here?" Hiashi said" I'm not going to miss my daughter's wedding. How are you feeling?"

Naruto looked down and said" I guess I feel nervous." Hiashi nodded and said" I know this wedding is sudden, but trust me when I say this is Hinata's dream. I know how long she has cared for you and as much as I tried to stop it from happening, she still got to be with you." Hiashi then walked over and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder and said" I know you may be nervous, but remember she would do anything for you, I hope you will do the same. Her love will not be matched by anyone in your life." Naruto nodded and Ao came back and said" It's time Naruto, Hiashi please go meet Hinata." Naruto and Hiashi nodded and walked to the main hall. Naruto walked to the front with the Mizukage standing in front of him smiling. He took a deep breathe and turned around and waited for Hinata to come out. Music starting playing and Hinata started walking with her father holding her arm. Naruto saw her and felt his nervousness go away. She looked so beautiful in her dress and he smiled. Hinata started walking and as she walked, her stomach was doing flips. She gripped her father's arm as she walked, but then she saw Naruto. When he smiled at her, she knew that was his real smile and it seemed he was really happy to see her. She then felt at ease and smiled back at Naruto.

She walked up to Naruto and her father let her go and she walked next to Naruto holding her flowers still smiling. The Mizukage began her speech and Naruto didn't hear anything she said because he was so fixed on Hinata and how amazing she looked. The Mizukage then said" Now you both may read each other's vows." Naruto didn't have anything written down and Hinata didn't as well. Naruto then smiled and said" Hinata, it's really hard for me to express my feelings. But I will say you have become the most important person in my life. You cared when no one else did, and I know I was a dope to take so long to notice it. The fox told me how you comforted when I would have nightmares, and you have no idea how much that means to me." Naruto had tears rolling down his cheek and continued" I admit, I wasn't to sure on this marriage thing, but seeing you here now, I know I need you in my life and this means forever and I know I can't live without you. I love you so much Hinata." Hinata was already crying, hearing Naruto pour out his feelings like this, and seeing him cry really hit home for her.

Hinata then spoke" Naruto I remember the first day I met you. You save me from from those kids, I knew right there how kind of a person you were. When I got dragged away seeing you laying the ground, I was so hurt inside. I saw how bad people treated you and saw how you hid how much it hurt you. Each time it tugged at my heart seeing you being treated so bad. But you always pushed on and never let any of that stop you. You made me who I am Naruto and I could never repay you for that. When I was kidnapped, hearing you say you love me made me feel like I could die happy." Hinata kept crying and she caught herself and continued " Naruto, you made it so I was closer to Neji and my father on top of all you have done for me. I love you and always will, and I'll be there whenever you need me." Naruto had more tears fall but smiled and grabbed her free hand. The Mizukage then asked" Naruto, do you lake Hinata to be your wife?" He squeezed her hand and said" I do." She then turned to Hinata and said" Hinata, do you take Naruto to be your husband?" She smiled and said" Of course I do." The Mizukage smiled and said" I now pronounce you Mr and miss Uzumaki. You may now kiss the bride." Naruto held the side of Hinata's cheek and kissed her. The Mizukage then said" Okay, there is a carriage outside of here to take you to your honeymoon.

Naruto and Hinata started walking hand in hand and she turned to her father and said" Can you give these flowers to Hinabi?" Hiashi nodded and hugged her and let go. Hiashi then held out his hand and and Naruto shook it. Naruto and Hinata then walked out to their ride and got inside and started off to their honeymoon. As soon as they got inside the carriage they were on their way and Naruto turned to Hinata and said" I love you Hinata Uzumaki." She smiled and said" I love you too, Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto then kissed her and they both kept kissing for a while and when they stopped, they smiled at each other and Hinata said" I can't wait to get where we are going, I want you to make me yours." Naruto looked at her confused and she winked at him and he then smiled and said" I can't wait." He then grabbed her hand and she put her head on his shoulder feeling like life couldn't get any better.

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