Chapter 49

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Naruto and Kakashi walked up the stairs and a anbu member was standing near the opening in the ground. He said" I'm here to watch the prisoner, the hokage would like to see the both of you. Naruto cringed at hearing the word prisoner as he hated knowing that's what Sasuke was. Naruto and Kakashi nodded and headed off to where the Hokage was. They both walked in to see Tsunade talking to Inoichi and Ibiki. Naruto's heart sank knowing why they were there. Tsunade saw Naruto and Kakashi and looked to the other jonin and said" You two know what to do, I expect a full report by this evening. The two jonin nodded and vanished. Tsunade sighed and said" I hope you both know this is bittersweet for me as well. I'm glad we have him back, but I also know he didn't come back on his own, which means he's still a rouge ninja. Naruto, I assumed you talked to him, what did he say?" Naruto put his head down and was quiet for what seemed like a eternity. Finally Kakashi spoke up and said" He said he wanted to destroy the leaf village." Tsuande's eyes got wide and Kakashi continued" He said he killed his brother and found out about the truth on why his brother killed their clan."

Kakashi looked at Tsunade intently and said" He said it was to protect him, and it had something to do with Danzo." Tsuande thought for a minute and said" I will have to talk to the village elders about this, they may know more about this. In the mean time, Naruto I'm going to have you and Hinata stay here in the village and carry out missions, starting tomorrow. I put Sai on Hinata's team so I'm gonna make a new team for you and Hinata. I'll have your new teammate meet you here at 9 am, don't be late." Naruto felt a little happy about being able to stay in the village, he then bowed and left. Naruto started walking around the village with mixed emotions. He felt happy to be back and felt happy about bringing Sasuke back. But Sasuke seems so lost in his hatred and doesn't seem to be willing to be back to his old self. He then thought about all the people he fought and how they changed for the better. Naruto smiled and now felt better knowing he could bring back the old Sasuke and they will be best friends again. He smiled and kept walking around the village and he heard someone calling his name.

He turned around and saw Sakura run to him and she caught her breath and looked up at Naruto wide eyed and asked" Is it true Naruto? You brought him back? Is he okay?" Naruto smiled and said" Yes Sakura, I brought him back. He's okay in a way, but he's having some issues that he needs to deal with." Sakura's eyes started to water and hugged Naruto and said" Thank you Naruto, so much. I have waited so long for this day." She let go of him and asked" So what's wrong with him?" Naruto took a deep breathe and explained all what Sasuke had said. She looked confused and Naruto said" Don't worry, we will bring back the real Sasuke. He just needs some real friends to care and I know we will reach him." Sakura smiled and said" You kept your promise Naruto, I know we can help him." Naruto smiled and said" Well, I need to go find my wife, I'll catch you later Sakura." And he ran off wanting to spend some time with Hinata. Naruto ran to the Hyuga compound and knocked on the door. To his surprise Nenji answered the door and said" Naruto, we have been expecting you, please come in." Naruto laughed and said" Same old Neji, you don't have to be all proper with me, we're friends, you don't have to be be all fancy."

Neji wanted to scold Naruto but smiled and said" You know I'm proper for everyone." Naruto patted him on the back and said" Yeah, yeah, so where's my wife?" Neji sighed and said" Come on, she's talking with her father in the main hall." They both walked to a room and Neji knocked on the door and right after Naruto opened it and yelled out" Hinata!" Neji sighed and he on the inside laughed how some things of Naruto won't change. Hiashi smiled and said" Please come in Naruto, I was hoping you would stop by." Naruto sat next to Hinata and she saw he seemed like himself instead of gloomy and she grabbed his hand and smiled. Hiashi then spoke again" Naruto I hope the honeymoon went well?" Naruto nodded and said" It was amazing." Hiashi then said" So I guess I should expect some grand kids very soon?" Naruto about fell over and Hinata turned bright red. She then saw something she hasn't seen in a long time, her father laughing. He stopped laughing and said" Well I hope not too soon, I'm not old enough, I just hope you two were smart." Naruto and Hinata were both red and nodded.

Hiashi smiled and said" Good, now then, why don't you two, go spend some time together, I'm sure you won't get many chances being ninjas.  

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