Chapter 14

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Naruto asked Hinata" well we have the rest of the day to whatever we want, any ideas?" Hinata smiled and said" I don't know myself, but anything I do with you will be fine with me." Naruto thought for a moment, and he said" How about we have a picnic?" Hinata smiled and said" That would be amazing." They started to the new built store and grabbed some food and a blanket and headed off to the river near the village. Someone was watching them, feeling nothing envy towards the new couple. As Naruto and Hinata was walking, he grabbed her hand causing her to blush and smile. They soon reached the river and laid the blanket out and set up their food.

As they were eating Naruto held a strawberry up to Hinata's mouth she she slowly ate it. Hinata never felt so much joy in her life. The person she has loved most of her life was here, feeding her, making her feel special. Hinata held a strawberry to Naruto and he closed his eyes and open his mouth. Instead of the fruit he felt her lips on his and he gladly kissed back. They kept kissing for a few minutes and they broke off with both smiling at each other. Naruto stood up and said" How about we take a swim together?" Hinata looked at him confused and he started getting undressed down to his boxers. Hinata blushed and saw Naruto jumped in and waved at Hinata. She smiled and decided to join him, she removed her shirt and pants, feeling a little embarrassed knowing she just in her bra and panties. But she smiled knowing Naruto somewhat already knows about her private places.

Hinata jumped in and swam to where Naruto was. He swam under water and grabbed her legs and lifted her above water. She laughed as Naruto swam around with her above him. She also felt a little turned on being on his shoulders. They swam like that for a few minutes, then Naruto smiled and launched her off. Hinata screamed as she went flying into the water and she splashed water at Naruto which made him splashed back. They splashed back and forth for a while and Naruto stopped and swam up to Hinata and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss. He grabbed her bridal style as they kissed and brought her out of the water to the blanket and laid her down never losing her kiss. He soon felt his member rise and broke the kiss trying to hide himself.

Hinata smiled and said" Don't be ashamed Naruto, I'm glad that I um, make you that way." He said" I know but it's still embarrassing." She took his hand and said" I know, it still kind of is for me but I know it feels so right with you." Naruto smiled and kissed her again. They kept kissing and Naruto finally broke away and said" okay let's get dressed and head home. I'm sure we can finish there." Hinata smiled and nodded, they got dressing and started packing up the picnic stuff. Soon Naruto heard a noise and looked around and saw Sakura standing by a tree. She walked over and said" Naruto I was wondering if I can talk to you." Naruto looked at her a little confused and said" Sure, what's on your mind." Sakura looked down and said" I um, heard there was some news about where Sasuke was, and wanted to know if you will take the lead?"

Naruto's mouth dropped and said" Yes, of course I will, I will talk to Tsunade about it tomorrow." Sakura then yelled" I knew it! You wouldn't drop everything to save him like you said you would. You promised Naruto! You said you would bring him back." Naruto was at a loss for words and Sakura continued" You now have Hinata, you have someone to love and I'm alone. It's not fair. You broke your promise Naruto, you don't deserve to be this happy!" Right then Naruto heard a loud slap and looked in shock as he saw Hinata slap Sakura in the face. Hinata looked at Sakura with such a intense look and said" How dare you! Naruto knew Sasuke before you did, they both found each other when they had nothing. Not only that, Naruto almost died to bring Sasuke back, and he has done everything to try and bring him back."

Sakura held her cheek still in shock as Hinata kept going" Naruto tried to bring Sasuke back and tried for him and your sake, yet you only care for him. Naruto deserves to be happy, because he didn't have a family like you. All you you did was push him away. He suffered so much yet you treated him like a someone who was a mistake. I always hated that you did that to him. But now you do this to him, how dare you. How about you bring Sasuke back yourself instead of having someone be your lackey and do it for you." Sakura was still at a loss for words. Everything Hinata said was true. She put everything on Naruto for her own sake. She forgot that Naruto cared for Sasuke just as much as she did. Sakura started crying and said" I'm sorry Naruto. She's right, I never treated you right and you have done so much for me and you tried so hard to bring Sasuke back. I just see you and her and wished he was here so we could have that."

Naruto was a little taken back by all that was said and soon walked over to Sakura and said" You know I want Sasuke back just as bad as you do. And your right, I promised I would bring him back and I still plan on making that promise stand." Sakura wiped her eyes and said" I know you do Naruto. I lied and there's no lead on Sasuke, but I'm sure there will be and you will be the one to bring him back." She looked at Hinata and said" Sorry for ruining your date, I know you have wanted this for a long time." Hinata smiled and said" You didn't ruin anything, and don't worry, if I waited this long, I'm sure you still have a chance to give Sasuke what I'm giving Naruto." Sakura smiled and walked off leaving Hinata looking at Naruto to make sure he was okay. He smiled and said" I can't believe you are the same girl who I thought was weird years ago." She smiled and grabbed his hand" Come on, let's go home." They then started walking home.

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