Chapter 56

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Sorry guys, life has been crazy, but I now plan on finishing this story. It may be weeks at a time before I update, but I will be working on it. Thanks for all the votes and comments, it really means a lot.

They got all packed up and Hinata heated up some leftover stew and as they all ate, Naruto saw how fast the boy ate his food and offered his bowl. The boy smiled and ate the second bowl just as fast. He then smiled and said" Thanks big brother, that was the best meal I've ever had." Naruto smiled and said" No problem, so do you know where your house is?" The boy then said" No, we don't have a house. Me and mommy live under a bridge." Naruto's smile was gone and felt worse then when he first met the boy. The boy then smiled and said" Mommy says we can live in a house soon, when she gets some more money." Naruto felt his heart breaking, he's known about people being poor and living on the streets, but seeing a little boy like this made him feel so bad for him. Naruto then asked" Do you know where these guys grabbed you from ?" The boy looked down and thought for a second. He then said" Some man grabbed me when my mommy was at work. He was mean and a scar around his eye. He gave me to these men and they were mean too."

Iruka listened to what the boy was saying and when the boy said something about a scar around his eye, he looked at the folder Tsunade gave him. Iruka's eyes got big and walked over to the boy and Iruka showed him the picture of the man they were after. The boy grabbed on to Naruto and whimpered" That's the mean man who took me from my mommy." Iruka then said" Okay, let's get going, this guy can't be to far." They all nodded and Naruto grabbed the little boy's hand and said" Come on, we're gonna get you back to your mom." The boy smiled and said" Your the best big brother." They all started walking and as they did, Hinata was walking on the other side of the little boy and the boy looked at her and said" Big brother is really nice." Hinata smiled back and said" Yeah, he's one of the nicest people in the whole world." Naruto looked at the boy and smiled and the boy smiled back and gripped Naruto's hand tighter.

As they walked, Naruto was telling the boy all sorts of stories and jokes. Iruka and Sasuke were ahead not saying anything. Finally Iruka spoke up and said" Sasuke, I have to ask. What made you decide to turn things around?" Sasuke smiled and said" In a way it's funny, I set out to kill someone and ended up becoming the person I wanted to kill. My brother did what he had to in order to save me, but he still killed so many people. I was so consumed by revenge that it made me a whole other person. But of course Naruto did what he always does. He saved me from my hatred and revenge. He made me realized that we all have pain. And though it may not be the same pain, it still hurts just as much. When Naruto showed me what he had to go through in his past, I learned something. Those who have been hurt the most are the most kind. Because those people would never want anyone to go through that." Iruka put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder and smiled" I'm glad you see that, you both deserve a better life then what you've had."

Soon they found themselves coming up to a village, and the little boy started to run and Naruto stopped him. Naruto then said" Let's keep you close, we wanna make sure you make it back to your mom safely. The boy nodded and they all proceeded to walk in the village. It was a simple place of a few shops here and there and a few houses. Then a bridge came into view and the little boy smiled and said" That's where me and my mommy live." Naruto nodded and they all walked there and saw a few people under the bridge. The little boy looked around and got wide eyed and ran over to a women talking to someone. She turned and started crying and hugged the boy. The ninjas walked over and she said" Thank god your okay, mommy missed you so much." The boy soon let go and saw the group that came over and the boy walked over and grabbed Naruto's shirt and said" Big brother here helped me."

The women walked over to Naruto and bowed and said" Thank you so much for bringing back my boy, I was so worried." Naruto smiled and said" It's no big deal, I'm glad he found you." She looked to the side and said" I wish I had a way to repay you, but I don't have anything to offer. I spent all my money on information to find my son." Naruto shook his head and said" No, you owe us nothing. Any decent  person would help a child find his way home." Iruka then spoke up and said" Well, there is one thing you can do for us." He then pulled out a picture and showed it to the women and asked" Have you seen this man?" The women looked for a minute and said" Yes, he hangs out out at the bar I work at. He really is full of himself, claims he's the most feared person in the fire nation." Iruka then asked where the bar was. When she told him he said" Thank you, we will now be on our way." The women nodded and the group started to walk away, except for Naruto.

Naruto bent down to the boy and said" Make sure you stay out of trouble." The boy smiled and said" I promise big brother." Naruto then stood up and pulled a scroll out of his pocket and did a hand sign on it. A stack of money soon came into his hand and he handed it to the women. The women got wide eyed and tried to hand it back. Naruto shook his head and said" Please take it, You guys deserve more then this. Maybe even not for you, but for him. I can't stand to see a child suffer in any way. He's a sweet boy, always said he just wanted to get back to his mom. We're gonna go after the man who took him and he will pay." The women started crying and Naruto put his hand on her shoulder and smiled" You guys can now take care of each other and no more of living under a bridge." The women then wiped her eyes and said" Thank you so much, I wish the world would have more kind people like you." Naruto nodded and started to walk away when the boy came up and grabbed his leg.

"Please don't go, big brother. I'm gonna miss you." Naruto bent down and hugged him and said" Don't worry, I promise to be with you right here." Naruto pointed at the kid's chest and the kid looked down and Naruto flipped his finger up into his nose. The kid giggled and then started to cry. Naruto felt his heart get heavy and said" Don't worry buddy, you have your mom and she needs you to be strong. Your the man now, and she needs you." The boy wiped his face and said" Okay big brother, I'll be strong for mommy." Naruto smiled and said" That's my boy, she has a surprise for you too." Naruto then stood up and walked away and as he turned around, he saw the boy in his mom's arms. Naruto waved to the mom and boy waved back at him. Naruto then walked away before they could see him cry. Naruto knew he was over reacting but at the same time, he knew that he feels more then a ninja should. When it came to kids he knew that was what his weak point was. 

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