Chapter 60

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Naruto slammed hid head on the table and said" Why is there so much paperwork?" Hinata sighed and said" It would be no different if we were in the leaf village." Naruto lifted his head and said" I know, but why is there so much?" Hinata smiled and said" Because being in charge of a village isn't all about being just a great ninja." It's been three months since Naruto and Hinata left their home village. Naruto decided to take Hinata to a village that Jiraiya and him saved 2 years ago. They always told him he was welcomed back anytime, and he would be the leader of the village. Naruto didn't think he would still have that title waiting for him. He just needed a place for Hinata and himself to stay. But when they showed up, the village still didn't have a leader and a group of people remember Naruto and how he saved the village. They asked him to be in charge and he wasn't sure at first. But decided this was as close as to being hokage as he was gonna get.

Naruto sighed and said" Yeah, I guess your right." He started on the paper work again and a few moments later he noticed Hinata put her hand over her mouth and ran to the garbage bin and started throwing up. Naruto got up and ran up behind her and asked" Hinata, are you okay?" After she heaved a few more times she leaned up and said" Yeah, I'm sure it's just the turning of the weather." Naruto nodded and walked her over to the couch in his office and said" Just rest here, I'll finish this paperwork so we can go home." She nodded and laid down and thought on why she's been feeling sick lately. Most times it was in the morning and she hated it. As much as she didn't want to, she knew she should go see a doctor. She sat up and said" Hey Naruto, I think I'm gonna go see the doctor to make sure I'm okay." Naruto got up and said" I should go with you then." She shook her head and said" No, you stay here and finish up your work. I'll meet you at home okay?" He wanted to argue, but knew he would end up letting her do what she wanted. He nodded and said" Okay, just promise to tell me what's going on when you find out." She nodded and walked out and headed to the village doctor.

Naruto took a deep breath and looked out the window of his office and saw how much the village was thriving. It was all thanks to Hinata and her looking over him as he took over as leader. He heard the fox chuckle in his head and went inside his mind and glared at Kurama and said" This is no time to laugh, Hinata isn't feeling good." The fox smiled and said" If it was serious, I wouldn't be laughing." Naruto looked at the nine tails like he was crazy and the fox said" I think it's best if she tells you why she hasn't been feeling well. But trust me when I say she's in no danger." Naruto was confused and decided to leave inside his mind and get back to his paperwork. Hinata walked into the doctor's office and a women met her and said" Hello Hinata, how may I help you?" Hinata then explained how she's been feeling lately and the women then said" Okay, let's do a exam of you." After a hour of being examined, the women looked at her chart and smiled at Hinata and said" Well there's nothing wrong with you, but there's a explanation on why you haven't been feeling well."

Hinata was confused and what the doctor just told her, if she was fine, why was she feeling so sick? The women then flipped a paper over and said" It seems your a couple months pregnant." Hinata was in shock and couldn't seem to speak. She just looked at the doctor for a good few moments when she asked" How could I be pregnant? The few times me and Naruto did anything, we used protection." The women said" Well sometimes protection can fail, and these things happen." Hinata felt her breath start to shorten and the women walked over and put her hand on her shoulder and said" It's okay Hinata, don't stress, it's not good for the baby." Hinata was trying to calm down but too many thoughts ran through her mind. Her main thought was on how Naruto would feel about this. Would he be mad and leave her? Or ask her to get rid of the baby. She felt tears rise to her eyes and asked" I don't know what to do." The women wrapped her in a hug and said" I'm sure Naruto will help you through this, I know your young, but it will be fine and you guys will make great parents."

Hinata started walking home and felt all sorts of emotions. Her biggest one was fear. She was scared Naruto would be mad at her because they never planned this. She kept crying just thinking of Naruto asking to get rid of the baby, or just leaving her. She got closer to their house and as soon as she walked in, Naruto was on the couch looking nervous and when she shut the door he looked up and saw her. He ran up to her and asked" Is everything okay Hinata?" She couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry" Naruto I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen, I... I..." Naruto hugged her and whispered" It's okay baby, just tell me what's wrong." Hinata whispered back" I'm pregnant." Naruto's eyes got wide and pulled away from the hug and asked" What do you mean your pregnant?" Hinata just looked at the floor" I just found out, I don't know how, but I'm 3 months along. I thought I put up a barrier to keep me from being pregnant. But I must have messed up. I'm so sorry, please don't make me get rid of it, or leave me." Naruto wrapped her in a hug again and said" I can't believe you would think I would even consider either of those things. I would never leave you, or get rid of our child."

Hinata broke down and started crying and Naruto helped her to the couch and as she cried on his shoulder, he couldn't help but feel happy. He was going to be a father, yeah he planned it further down the road, but still he always wanted to be a father. Hinata finally stopped crying and asked" So your not mad at me?" Naruto smiled at her and said" Baby, I could never be mad at you. And this is great news, I always wanted to be a father. Sure I never planned it to be this early, but this makes me happy." Hinata felt so much relief wash over her and Naruto slowly put his head against Hinata's stomach and whispered" I can't wait to meet you." Hinata felt a few more tears fall, but they were tears of happiness. Seeing Naruto do this made her feel like being pregnant could be one of the best things to happen to her. Naruto stood up and said" Let's go out and celebrate." Hinata smiled and stood up and said" Thank you Naruto, I'm so happy right now." Naruto cupped her face and kissed her and said" No, thank you Hinata, this is the best gift you could have given me."    

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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