Chapter 17

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Naruto looked at Neji and asked" So what's this mission about?" Neji turned to the door and and said" It's just best to talk to Tsunade about it. Just get ready and we'll go to her." Naruto nodded and got dressed and followed Neji to where Tsunade was. When they got there, Naruto saw Hiashi was there and made him worry more. Tsunade dismissed everyone there and said" Naruto, I need to have a serious talk with you. Before you say anything, please let me finish. Naruto nodded and Tsunade continued" I think it's best for you to leave the village till we take care of the Akatsuki." Naruto froze in shock and said" After all I did, I still am being kicked out of the village. Tsunade then said" A hokage must make tough decisions, I won't make you leave, just know it will help us in the long run."

Naruto looked sad and stared off to the side" I just found someone who means the most to me. Now your taking her a way from me." Hiashi then spoke up and said" Hinata will be with you, that was my agreement to this." Naruto was still off about this and said" I need to think about this." Tsuande nodded and said" We have three hours to decide, so please let us know." Naruto nodded and walked away. Naruto was still surprised by the whole thing, he didn't want to leave. Then he thought about Hinata, he was glad she would be able to go with him, but he didn't want to her to leave the village if she didn't want to. He thought he should talk to her first. He walked on the outskirts of the village and finally saw her with some other people. She was smiling picking plants and she seemed so happy, and Naruto felt sad. He walked to where she was and she saw him and ran up to him and hugged him.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her and started crying. Hinata stopped smiling and let go of the hug and took his face in her hands and asked" Naruto, what's wrong?" He said" I have to leave the village, at least until this Akatsuki thing is taken care of." Hinata felt her heart stop, and she then said" I don't want you to go, I just got to be with you. I waited so long after you left for three years. I can't, please don't leave me Naruto." She started crying and hugged him he then said" Your dad wants you to leave with me, I don't want to make you leave here if you don't want to." She grabbed his face again and said" You idiot, you could have said that first. I want to be where you are no matter where it is. This village may be my home, but your the one I love and I want to be with you no matter what." Naruto felt more tears come and said" Oh, Hinata!" He hugged her and was so happy knowing she was willing to go with him.

Naruto grabbed her by the hand and said" okay, let's go get packed up, I'm not sure where we are going but I'm sure Tsunade will let us know when we see her. She smiled and nodded and they started walking to their house. They started packing stuff they would need. Naruto packed up quickly with some clothes then went to the kitchen and packed a full bag of instant ramen. Hinata finished all her packing Naruto smiled and said" Are you ready?" She smiled and said" Yeah, I'm kind of excited to where we're going to be." He smiled and they walked to where Tsunade was. When they got there she was talking with Hiashi and she saw them with their stuff and said" I take it you have made your choice." Naruto nodded and Hiashi spoke and said" Naruto, I am leaving Hinata in your care, please take care of her." Naruto smiled and said" I promise, and I never go back on my word."

Hiashi smiled and looked at Hinata and said" I will miss you daughter, but you will be in good hands." Hinata walked to her dad and hugged him and said" I know Naruto will take good care of me, I will miss you and Hinabi, please tell her I love her." He nodded and have a few tears fall as he hugged her. Naruto then spoke" So where are we headed?" Tsuande then said" The village of the hidden mist, Kirigakure. There you will meet the Mizukage. I warn you Naruto, her temper is about as bad as mine, so please try not to make her mad." Naruto smiled and said" I guess i'll try not to." Tsunade then threw a brown bag at Naruto and when he opened it, his mouth dropped. It was full of money, he never saw so much money and was about to say something but Tsunade put up a hand and said" You deserve every penny, you will use this money to help both of you. The Mizukage will have you both working as ninjas, but this should help when you first get there. Also there's a map in there on how to get there, just head east for about a day and the map will show you from there."

Tsunade then walked up and hugged Naruto and said" I'll miss you Naruto, I always thought of you as a son. I know I'll see you soon, but I will miss you." Naruto hugged her back and said" I'll miss you too, you were like a mom to me, so make sure when I get back have that Hokage spot ready for me." She smiled and let go and said" Okay Naruto, Hinata, it's time you guys got going, sorry you can't say goodbye to all your friends, but you guys need to leave now." Naruto and Hinata bowed and walked away and headed to the edge of the village. As they walked Hinata grabbed Naruto's hand and said" I'm happy to be with you Naruto." He smiled and said" I'm happy to Hinata." They soon started walking east of the village.

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