Chapter 6

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        Naruto started for the village and realized that he wasn't sure where the hokage was and decided to go into his sage mode and felt her chakra in the middle of the village. He ran to where to where she was." Granny I heard you had a mission for me." She looke up and sighed" Yes, the sand village has been our main source of help and all the Kazekage has asked is to see you." Naruto blinked and smiled" Okay doesn't seem so bad, but can I ask for someone to go with me." Tsunade looked at him knowing they couldn't spare much. She then asked" Well it depends Naruto, we are trying to rebuild so people are limited." Naruto blushed and said" Hinata." Tsunade looked at him for a minute and said" Fine, but only her, we have too much to do to spare anyone else." Naruto did his thumb up pose and ran off and Tsunade couldn't help but smile.

        Naruto needed to find Hinata and so he went back to sage mode and saw she was on the outskirts of the village looking for plants. He ran to her and yelled" Hinata we have a mission." She looked at him happy and confused" What mission?" He smiled," they need to visit Gaara in the sand village." She smiled and said" okay let's get going." They gathered a few things and headed out. As they walked Naruto talked about the crazy time he had with Jiraiya. The sun was starting to set and Naruto suggested they set up camp. Hinata nodded in agreement. They got a fire going and Hinata need to talk to Naruto" Hey Naruto, you dont have to tell me, but I was wondering about you childhood." Naruto stared at the fire, he knew he didn't want to talk about it. But something about Hinata made him try" He said" Okay, what did you want to know?" Hinata didn't know how to awnser thay and said" Well last night you had a night mare. You said you were not a mosnster. An d dd you were b b being k k icked." Hinata was crying and she ran to Naruto and begged him to just to tell her about his past.

        Naruto looked down and said" The worst pain I can remember was when a few villagers tied me up and starting stabbing me. They started with my leg and I yelled. They then stabbed my shoulder and that's when a anbu person came and stopped them. But the worst pain I felt inside, was seeing kids go home with thier parents. I wanted to know what that was like." Hinata was still crying and hugged Naruto. She said between sobs" Naruto, I lost my mom and watched my dad turn to hate me. But what you had to deal with. I'ts so sad. I'm so sorry Naruto." Hinata clinged onto I'm like she she was going to die if she let go. He just hugged her and said" Hey, let's get some rest okay." She nodded and they got ready for bed and they got into the one tent they had and Hinata felt like she needed to say something. Naruto, I need to tell you something, please don't get mad," Naruto looked at her confused knowing he would have a hard time getting mad at her.

        Hinata started turning red and said" Well in the morning I I I'm um m m sorta touched your thing." Naruto looked at her for a minute then realized what she was talking about. He turned dark red and she said" I'm really sorry, I , I , I just was curious and it was poking my leg." Naruto was turned over in his sleeping bag and said" Well it's only fair if I touch you." Naruto wasn't sure what he meant by that when he said it. But then he heard Hinata moving around and she said" Okay, M M My s s shirt's off so you can f f feel me." Naruto thought he was going to die. Of course deep down he wanted to touch Hinata in that way. But the other side of him thought he would be perverted. He then noticed Hinat scooted closer to him. She was shaking and he rolled over over. He slowly pulled his hands up to her chest. It felt like forever but then her he reached her breast, and thought it was the best feeling in the world. He rubbed over her nipple, and Hinata moaned. Naruto kept rubbing and Hinat kept moaning, then he felt his pants tighten and it was harder then he ever knew. He soon let go of her chest and said" okay, I guess were even. Let's get some sleep." Hinata pouted a bit because he was touching her and she has never felt so turned on in her life. Soon she saw Naruto fall asleep, and though she was mad about being turned on, she knew he wanted her, just very slowly.


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