Chapter 30

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Naruto starting walking back to the Mizukage's in a state of confusion and shock. He one day wanted to be married, but this seemed so soon and he was feeling like it's too much. He loved Hinata and she loved him, so it would be okay for them to get married, wouldn't it? He kept racking his brain and yelled out" I don't know what I'm doing." He saw some people looked at him strangely and he smiled and walked off. He soon reached the Mizukage's tower and walked in. He saw Hinata, who had her head down and the Mizukage then spoke" Good, now that your back, it's time for your next mission. Hinata, you have your mission and are dismissed." Hinata nodded and walked out leaving Naruto more confused. The Mizukage continued" Naruto, your mission will be talking to the kids of our ninja academy."

Naruto's mouth dropped and said" I thought we would be going on more serious missions." The Mizukage then said" This is a serious mission. The kids heard about the hero of the leaf village and want to meet you. If you mean on why your not going on a higher rank mission, it's because your getting married soon. She smiled and continued" Oh to be young in love, I think it's so wonderful." Ao then spoke up" I still think it's dangerous to have young ninja getting married then be put in a group together." The Mizukage then thought" Young?" Ao then continued and said" To be married means a lot of affection, which can be a distraction." The Mizukage then thought again" Affection?" She then smiled at Ao and said" Would you prefer a quick death or a slow and painful one?" Ao's face went white and said" Please forgive me Mizukage."

Naruto was a little happy thinking of kids wanting to meet him. But he was still worried about the whole marriage thing. The Mizukage then explained where the academy is. Naruto bowed and left, heading to the academy. When he got their he checked in the front desk and was directed to a classroom. When he walked in there was teacher in the front and he had long black hair in a ponytail and was a few inches taller then Naruto. The teacher smiled and said" Class, we have a special guest today, this is Naruto Uzumaki, the hero of the hidden leaf village." Naruto put his hand behind his and laughed nervously, while all the kids stared at him with awe. The teacher smiled and said" If you have questions, please raise your hand and I'm sure Naruto would be happy to answer them."

All the kid's hands shot up and the teacher picked a student up front and the kid asked" How did you become a hero?" Naruto then said" I defeated someone who was trying to destroy everything in our village." Naruto looked around at all the kids who seemed excited to ask him things and he felt really happy. The teacher picked another student and the kid asked" What jutsu did you use to beat them?" Naruto then said" I had to use many different ones, but I used mostly a wind jutsu called rasengan." The students started yelling out to show them. Naruto smiled and made a clone and made the wind ball in his hand. The kids were memorized by the blue ball. Naruto smiled until he saw a student in the back all by himself. He looked down and Naruto already knew what the look in his eyes were. It was the look of sadness and loneliness, the look Naruto knew all to well.

Naruto soon felt a the happiness he had fade, feeling the sadness pour from the boy's eyes. Naruto answered a few more questions and then the teacher said" Now one person may spend the rest of the day with Naruto, and it will be of his choosing." Naruto didn't even have to think and he pointed to the boy in the back. Everyone looked to the boy in back confused and all the kids started to whine and saying" Why him? He's not worth going with a hero of a village." Naruto almost lost his temper but calmed himself and said" You never know where the next hero will come from. It doesn't matter who they are, it just matters what they do. Remember that in case someone you don't know or like saves your life. All the kids looked at him in shock and Naruto then asked" So kid, want to hang out for awhile?" The kid shrugged his shoulders and walked to where Naruto was and they left the building.

They both walked quietly for awhile and Naruto spoke up" So how come you sat alone in class?" The kid turned his head to the side and said" Because I want too." Naruto knew right away he was lying, having the same excuses. Naruto then said" I suppose you train alone because you can become strong without anyone's help." The kid looked at him a little surprised and said" I will become strong without anyone. I don't need anyone, they would just hold me back. I've gotten this far without anyone, and I will be the best ninja in this village." Naruto couldn't believe how much this kid reminded him of his younger self. Naruto then asked" How long have you been alone?" The kid looked up to Naruto in shock and looked down and asked" How did you know?" Naruto smiled and said" I know what it's like to feel all alone and be an outcast. I knew it when I first saw you."

Naruto looked ahead and said" I didn't have any parents growing up, and was hated by my village. I got in trouble a lot, just so people would notice me. I was called a monster, freak, and a mistake. But then I found friends and that helped, and I took all my hard work into defeating someone who destroyed our village and almost killed everyone. I became a hero and know everyone in the village thinks I'm a hero." The kid was completely locked in on Naruto and was excited and Naruto smiled and said" You know, I wasn't alone the whole time, there was someone who was always there for me. I just didn't notice her till later, but when I found her, it made all the pain of being lonely go away and all the pain I felt was worth having her." Naruto smiled again and looked ahead and asked" What's your name kid?" The kid said" My name is Tinaka Minazu, and I'm going to be the best ninja in our village."

Naruto patted him on the back and said" I know you will, just remember that most people don't really hate you, they just don't understand." Tinaka looked at Naruto and asked" So who was looking out for you?" Naruto thought for a second and smiled and said" It's the girl I'm going to marry. She was always shy and quiet and never really talked to me. But she believed in me when nobody else did. It took years for us to finally be together. So if you know of someone who doesn't make fun of you and seems to hide from you, it might be because their shy and like who you are." Tinaka's head shot up and said" There is someone like that in our class. She never talks to me and when I walk by she runs away. Do you think she might like me?" Naruto smiled and said" You won't till you ask her. I wasted time and didn't figure it out till later, so make sure you find out yourself."

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